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Science – Friday Clubs

In Denise’s fantastic science club pupils have has so much fun and taken in so much knowledge with floating and sinking. Using different liquids to see what mixes together and what liquids sit on top or sink to the bottom. Then a final and super exciting experiment with lots of chemicals to create a volcanic eruption.

Well done everyone in science club.

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Another Successful Individual Programme

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CFE Outdoor Learning

Roasting Marshmallows….but so much.

Safe, Healthy,  Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Respected, Responsible, Included…..SHANARRI.

Our vision for outdoor learning in Scotland is that:
• all children and young people are participating in a range of progressive and creative outdoor learning
experiences which are clearly part of the curriculum
• schools and centres are providing regular, frequent, enjoyable and challenging opportunities for all
children and young people to learn outdoors throughout their school career and beyond
• teachers and educators embed outdoor learning in the curriculum so that learning in the outdoor
environment becomes a reality for all children and young people.

First Kelly Kettle In The New Outdoor Learning Area.

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The Red Group, Purple Group and very supportive pupil from the Blur Group should be so proud. They where the first group to complete an active lesson in our new outdoor learning area. We learned about the dangers of dry leaves, the ring of fire and how to use a sheath knife to reduce the size of our kindling for our kelly kettle pot. We were all so responsible, safe, and achieved so much I couldn’t be prouder.

Well done everyone.

Forest School Area

Great work from a number of pupils yesterday helping us get some natural seating transported to our new Outdoor Learning. Lot’s of Numeracy work involved in terms of large and small, heavy and light, fast and slow and some work on tension and knots. Well done everyone.

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Inclusive Individual Community and Forest School Programmes

Often in Bothwellpark whole class activities can be challenging for individuals to access. This is why we offer an inclusive, pupil driven, multi sensory curriculum

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to allow all pupils to access learning in their own way. Giving pupils life skill learning opportunities for preparation for life after school. Community access, outdoor learning and forest schools are amongst these opportunities and couldn’t be accessed without the dedication of the staff at Bothwellpark and hard work of the individual pupils.

Friday Clubs – Practical Craft Skills

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Another hugely successful woodwork skills Friday club. Together we worked hard on safety requirements of a new tool we would be using in the shape of the woodwork vice. We all seen and tried to remove a piece of wood from the jaws of the vice which was very tight. This highlighted to all of us how safe we need to be around the vice as it closes very tightly. We also continued to use the jigsaw to cut our bigger pieces of wood. Always keeping safe with safety goggles on and hands away from the blade. This was a great experience for all, whether it was sensory from the vibrations of the tool or the wood or whether we completed the full process ourselves with a little help and support. Well done again everyone our Candy Dispenser is really taking shape…..keep up the good work.

Fantastic Friday Clubs

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Jack and Victor have nothing on Bothwellpark. With our school Scotland topic continuing and our  big  showcase fast approaching Stephen has excelled at incorporating expressive arts through drama and music in our very own “Clansman” at Bothwellpark. I am sure the finished film will be exceptional and one to watch out for as we wait with anticipation,

In the meantime please enjoy the pictures and hard work that has went into this by all pupils involved in the Film Making Friday Club.