Author Archives: Mr Struthers



ALL schools expected open Monday March 5. Thanks to volunteers, janitors, our teams and Mears staff for getting schools ready. We’ll post changes at the link from from 7am. Maybe localised transport issues. Council-run ASN transport to run

The Council Winter Schools page can be found here


ALL North Lanarkshire schools will be CLOSED today. Amber Met Office warning for snow remains in place – please avoid travel. If you do travel be prepared for severe disruption.

We will update you of any further news regarding possible disruption for tomorrow as soon as we get it here and on the council website.

Happy Holidays!

Can we remind you all that school is closed to pupils from Monday to Wednesday next week for the half term break, we look forward to their return on Thursday. Staff are in on Wednesday for our inservice day and will be receiving a Makaton training workshop to refresh our knowledge.


We would like to thank the family of Ryan in the Blue group for their very generous donation of £1000 to school funds.  This was raised through the annual fundraising dinner held by Newmains Pigeon Club.  We would like to thank the family and the club for their continuous support, it is very much appreciated.

The Kelpies 7th February

We had a great, albeit chilly, day at The Kelpies today. Our tour guide, Steve, told us lots of interesting facts about the sculptures and even let us go inside one, they are called Duke and Baron, we were inside Duke which is the one who is pointing his head down to the ground.  After the kelpies we managed to squeeze in a quick drive to the Falkirk Wheel to look at it before we went to McDonalds for a treat.  All of the pupils behaved excellently and had a great time, we are really proud of them.

January in the Yellow Group

We have had a busy start to 2018 in the Yellow Group.  Karen left at Christmas to start a new job so we have had Mr Struthers in working with the ladies in the class and making sure we are working hard.  We also had to say goodbye to Arlene for a wee while as she has gone off on Maternity leave.

In the kitchen we have been working really hard and producing some great three course meals.  We have made Curried Coconut and Carrot Soup with bread followed by Pizza and then Chocolate cake for  dessert.


In class we have started working on our Scotland topic and have been doing lots of things to do with Scotland.  We have designed our own tartans using the Smartboard, we read “Tam O’Haggis” (a simplified version of “Tam O’Shanter”) with Carrie from Therapet and we have been planning some trips to places of interest including The Kelpies and The Falkirk Wheel.


Rhona from college continues to work with us in The Looking Good Room each Wednesday and we have been really impressing her with our team work.  This term we are learning how to wash and moisturise our hands and file and buff our nails.


We had a visit from Fiona from ZooEd who brought in some animals themed around the poetry of Burns to tie in with Burn’s Night.