Summer News

As you may be aware next year we are increasing our intake and creating two new classes within the school.  To accommodate this we are adapting some classrooms from OLHS to become part of Bothwellpark, both as classrooms and as additional multi-functional areas. Work is being carried out on these rooms over the summer holidays to allow the classes to be ready for us in August. In order for us to be able to move into the rooms and be fully operational by the first day the pupils return Bothwellpark pupils will return one day later than other schools. This means that Bothwellpark pupils will return to school for their first day on Friday 17th August.

I would also like to take this opportunity to let you all know that Mrs Jane Minelly has been appointed as our new Head Teacher and is looking forward to meeting you all when she takes up her new position in August.

In addition to Jane we also welcome Amanda McLeod as a new class teacher. Amanda has been volunteering with us since April and is looking forward to starting her position proper in August.  To complete our staffing for the school expansion we are currently also recruiting one more new class teacher and a number of ASNA staff who should all be in place by August.

I look forward to seeing as many of you at our Sports Day ( Tues 12th June 13.30) and Assembly (Tues 26th June 13.30) as possible.

School closes for the summer holidays at 13.00 on Thursday 28th June.


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