Our maths this week has been all about symmetry. We know that symmetry means one half of a shape is the mirror image of the other half. We found lots of symmetry in our classroom including our faces although Rhiannon had more freckles on one side of her face than the other which meant we couldn’t say her face had a line of symmetry!

During our Dance session this week Charan asked us to become a chrysalis transforming into a butterfly. Today we used our ICT time to find out more about the lifecycle of the butterfly. It is in four stages and our piece of dance was stage three and four. We were amazed to find out that the female butterfly lays 200 eggs! Butterflies are also a great example of symmetry in nature. Shawn’s butterfly drawing in her Learning Log looks fantastic!

Confirmation is getting closer. This week we learned what happened at Pentecost. Each of us read Acts 2: 1-4 and then wrote about it using our own words. We had great fun drawing ourselves for our Prayer Partner display.

Earlier this week we used our I Pads to find out about William Wallace and the part he played in the Wars of Independence. We used Role Play to show how he defeated the English Army at the Battle of Stirling Bridge. Blair was very interested to hear that there is still a bridge over the River Forth near the spot where it all happened.

Next week we are going to find out what HAPPENED NEXT to William Wallace!


Today we had our second Creative Dance session. We are working with Charran. He is from Nepal. He is a performer and a choreographer. So far it has been fun but at the same time challenging. Today each of us had to create our own movements to a piece of music. We had to do this with the rest of the class watching! Chloe was the first to go followed by Heather and Megan! Everyone was nervous and self-conscious! We were asked not to speak as it was disrespectful to the person dancing! By the end everyone was in the centre of the hall performing their own movements. Many of us couldn’t believe that we had done it!
In class we have been busy preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Today we were researching the lives of saints. We have been learning that saints are people who with the help of the Holy Spirit were able to lead extraordinary lives. We are choosing a saint’s name for our Confirmation name.


We have started a new maths topic on TIME. At the moment we are learning how to calculate durations of time. We decided to note down all the key times during our afternoon at the Panto. Heather and Cathryn took on the job of recording the information. They did really well. They took a notepad and pen with them. When we were looking out the window of the bus and waving at Mr Lynch they were writing down our leaving time! At our first maths session after the Panto they shared all their information. For example, we worked out how long the journey was, the length of the intermission, the first half and the second half even how long we stood outside! Well done Heather and Catherine.
We wrote thank you letters to Mark Millar today. Our challenge was to use connectives to extend our sentences and use adjectives to make them really interesting. Vhairi said: ” We’ve spent all day on our letters but it’s actually been a lot of fun!” Alicia and Shawn designed a brilliant front folder to hold our letters. They had to make it eye-catching and easy to read.
In ICT this week we learned how to add animations to our PowerPoint presentation slides. We hope they will grab the attention of the person reading them. On Monday we hope to finish everything off and then share our learning with each other. We are going to peer assess each other’s PowerPoint presentation.


We have been learning how to use Microsoft PowerPoint to make our own slideshows. Mr Hughes is really pleased at how much we have learned. At the moment we know how to start a new slide, add some text and insert a picture. We are going to use our presentations to share our learning with others. One group is researching Fin Whales. Another is finding out all about Badgers and the cruel sport of Badger Baiting. A third group is investigating the sport of Go-Karting. It has been lots of fun and you don’t have to worry about doing your best handwriting!


This week we are learning all about negative and positive numbers. Yesterday we found out when we use them in our daily lives. We use them when reading a thermometer, goal difference, in football and in golf scoring. Today we learned how to order negative numbers. The outer atmosphere of Neptune is minus 218 degrees celsius. A pan of boiling oil is 230 degrees. We worked out the difference. It is 448 degrees. That is some difference!


Today we read a poem called ” In Flanders Fields” by a Canadian army doctor called John McCrae. It is set in the First World War. It made us think of all the Soldiers that have passed away in world wars.We researched the poem in close detail to find out what it was about. John McCrae wrote the poem as if the dead soldiers were speaking to us. We wrote how the poem made us feel inside. Blog written by Cathryn ,Rebecca and Eva.


Science has been great this week. We have been learning all about the SKELETAL SYSTEM. We need our skeleton for so much. It helps us move and supports our bodies. We have 200 bones in the body and we have been learning some of their names. We have a full length colour photograph of an actual skeleton hanging up in our class!!! We have made huge labels to help us learn the names of the different bones.
In maths our favourite mental strategy for subtraction is definitely “adding on” we watched a great video on Espresso that really helped us understand the strategy.
We have been learning how to use inverted commas at language time. In ICT we wrote some dialogue using word processing. We learned where the speech marks are on the keyboard.
We have also been working on how to open a story! We had to chose to start with the setting or describe the characters. We could also start with some action or some dialogue! We practised our openings in this week’s Halloween story! It has definitely been a busy week! By The Green Group.


Yesterday we had our class mass in the school Oratory. It was a really special occasion for us. In class at our RE times we have been learning all about the different parts of the mass so being able to watch Fr Docherty so closely really helped our learning. Here are some of our thoughts on our class mass:

” I felt Jesus was speaking to me. It was nice and peaceful and we also learned a lot.” Rhiannon.

“It was great because I was sitting close to the Altar.” Vhairi

” This was my first time being so close to Father Docherty and I would like to have another mass with him.” Jennifer

“I thought it was very interesting because we were
so close to the altar so we could hear everything Father Docherty was saying. I was really nervous doing my reading.” Heather

“I enjoyed being up close as it helped me remember that Jesus was in front of us. I could hear and see everything Father Docherty was doing. I really enjoyed it, it was great.” Scott Hamilton

“I enjoyed our class mass because it was different being closer to the altar.” Euan McMahon

“I felt strange because we were closer to the altar.”
Jai Corner

“I thought our class mass was amazing because it was very different from the mass in church and also we were much closer to father and the altar.”Eilidh Gilmour


This week we have been learning about the features of a news article. We used Elaine Smith’s visit to practise writing a news article. We had features like a by-line, headline, columns, photographs and captions. Alicia and Tia brought in lots of headlines that we used to learn all about puns. We also have been learning about place value right up to millions. Did you know the Queens baton will travel 123 000 miles before it returns back to Glasgow?
By Megan, Tia and Euan

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