Creed Beads

We have been learning about the parts of the Catholic Mass and our focus this week has been the Nicene Creed. We looked at the words and talked about what they mean. Since the Nicene Creed is very long, with some really challenging vocabulary, we each took a line and created a symbol to represent its meaning. We put our symbols together to create our very own Creed Beads to help us remember the words and meaning of this important prayer:

The Mystery Deepens!

The mystery continues in Primary 6…

We were all very excited to find another letter from our mystery organisation that we can only name as MSB. The letter was hidden in an iPad!

MSB has asked Primary 6 to carry out an important survey within Townhead. We are to find out what changes and improvements children and adults would like to see in the local area. Our first task was to design a questionnaire that will help us to do this. We used the iPads to look at some good examples of questionnaires…

Then we went to the ICT suite and used our Word skills to create our own individual questionnaires. Later, we printed them off and decided in groups, which was the one that suited our needs best…

It was so hard to decide because they were all really great! We think we’ve done really well with this task and can’t wait to receive our next task from MSB.

In saying that, Aidan found a large brown envelope hidden in the class today…we’ll be opening it tomorrow. Watch this space!

We’re Back!

So this is our first post back since the new term and what a busy couple of weeks we’ve had.

We’re already working hard on our new novels and just now, we’re learning about improper fractions by eating cake!

Our topic this term is the Scottish Parliament and already, we’ve been learning about democracy and devolved and reserved matters. We have also been learning about the Referendum and have really impressed Mrs McLean with our arguments for and against Scottish Independence.

But the most exciting news is this…yesterday, a mysterious stranger in a very smart suit delivered a letter to us! The letter was from a secret organisation (we can’t tell you the name – it’s TOP SECRET) who have chosen Primary 6 for a very special assignment. Here is the first letter…

Then, we found another letter hidden in Julia’s jotter with instructions for our first task. Here we are gathering the information that we’ve been asked for…

We’ve still some information to collect and issues to discuss before we have completed our first assignment but we’ve to keep our eyes peeled for our next instruction!

We’ll keep you posted.


As part of our Commonwealth Topic we have been looking at the diet of the athletes taking part. We decided that fruit would be a part of it. Fruit is part of our 5 a day challenge because it provides our bodies with vitamins and minerals. This morning we made our own FRUIT KEBABS. We researched them on the internet first to get some ideas for arranging them. We worked in our groups. We had a group pattern then we could make some random ones. We had a sticky time! In the afternoon P5 P6 and P7  came together to share each others healthy treats. You can see Rachel from P5 trying our Fruit Kebabs.

Before playtime we took part in a bicycle parade organised by P1. We could bring in our scooters and bikes.


It has been a while since we were last on our blog!! Recently we have been learning how to draw up a Frequency table then use the information to produce our own Bar Charts.  We gathered data on our heights and shoe sizes. Next we are going use  ICT to produce different types of  graphs.

We have been using out Internet skills a lot recently when finding out all about the history of the Commonwealth Games.

Tomorrow night  12 pupils from our class are taking part in  an evening of music and dance in The Summer Arts  Festival at the Motherwell Concert Hall. Good Luck!


This week we have been learning the difference between man made disasters and natural disasters.  We found out that there are far more natural disasters happening in the world. We also learned that they both have a great impact on people and the landscape.

We discussed precautions that could be taken to make the damage caused by man made disasters less serious.

This week we have been learning how to use a PROTACTOR to draw angles less than 180 degrees.  We now know that when we start our angle from the left hand side of a line we measure using the outer arc and when we start our angle from the right hand side we measure using the inner arc. Hope that makes sense? By MORGAN ELLE HAY AND VHAIRI VERONICA BRADLEY

We didn’t blog the week of our Class Assembly! We just want to say thank you to everyone who came. We had lots of our parents and grandparents there. They  ate most of the quiche and cakes that we made with Mrs Laird. A thank you to everyone that gave us complements.  Our assembly was about the Scottish Wars of Independence. We shared our learning with the audience. On stage we wore our tartan and carried our swords and shields that we had designed and made in class.

Some of us played key characters from that time in history. Chloe was King Edward the First and she got booed! Aidan was King John Balliol and he got booed as well!! Rhiannon was William Wallace and he got a cheer! Jennifer was Robert the Bruce and he got a big cheer as well!  We stood up and recited a part of the Declaration of Arbroath.

We had super narrators: Heather, Cathryn, Vhairi and Megan. We also showed a great slideshow. At the end we sang Scots Wha Hae and Mrs Mclean said she was crying! by  BLAIR      ALICE PENMAN          PETER COLLINS


I liked the bit when we had to hold the candle. by Euan

It got nervous before I went to the mass by Jai Corner

When I was at home I was not nervous  but when I was getting out my seat I got a bit nervous by Kamil Krol

I was nervous at first but when I got there I was fine by Eilidh Gilmour

It was fun and scary at the same time but I had lots of fun by Scott  Hamilton


We really had to use our listening skills this morning at Touch Rugby .  We learned:

1. When tackled you must pass the ball

2.Tap and pass to start the game

3. You tackle between shoulder and hip

4. You only pass backwards

5. If you go before the person with the ball you are offside

6. When someone tackles you , you have 3 seconds to pass the ball.

7. The team that starts the game stands in a diagonal line.

blog by Euan

Confirmation almost here!

We have been learning about the fruits of the Holy Spirit. We learned about them by thinking of a fruit tree.  If the tree gets lots of sunshine and water it begins to grow fruit. If we use the gifts of the Holy Spirit then people will see us showing the fruits of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. We will grow into young people living like Jesus did.  Showing patience, self-control, love and gentleness are some of those fruits.

On Monday we will be going down to St. Bartholomew’s church to practise for our confirmation. We have been learning some hymns for next Thursday, our favourite is “Shine Jesus Shine”.

Our  Topic on the Scottish Wars of Independence is getting exciting! William Wallace has just won a great victory! Today we started to design and make some small shields called targes that were used during the time of Wallace.  Once we had our circles cut we had to find their diameter and radius. The real challenge was measuring the circumference.  Peter was the first to come up with a solution. We are going to use the  I pads to give us  ideas  for the front of our shields.

Yesterday we started our new maths topic on percentages. We have learned that per means each and cent means 100. We say that percentage means out of a 100. It is a part of a whole number. We have to search for percentages being used in our  every day lives.   Blog by Tia and Shawn

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