Fairtrade Friday!

The Banton Bairns had a great Friday learning all about Fairtrade with their friend Pablo the Super Banana! Pablo the banana travels the world teaching people about the importance of buying Fairtrade items in the shops where they can. This helps the farmers who grow the crops get a fair deal, meaning they get enough money to take care of themselves and their families.  We designed our own banana superheroes who could help Pablo on his mission and chose a place where they could tell people all about how important Fairtrade is. We also got to make banana smoothies using our Fairtrade bananas and ate some Fairtrade fruit kebabs courtesy of The Banton Buddies. We can confirm that Fairtrade fruit is yummy!

Clyde FC Community Foundation

The Banton Active Sports Team (one of our Pupil Voice Groups) recently arranged a visit from Clyde FC Community Foundation. Alan and Chris came along to deliver a football taster session for each class in the school. We got to practise our ball control skills before playing a game of Hungry Hippos. The Banton Bairns got to finish the session off with a proper football match which ended in an exciting 0-0 draw.

We’d like to say a massive THANK YOU to Alan and Chris and all of the Clyde FC Community Foundation for agreeing to visit us today. We loved having a go at football and hope we get the chance to play again soon ⚽️⚽️⚽️

Police Scotland

As part of our ‘People Who Help Us’ topic, P1/2/3 had a visit from Police Scotland. DC Sinclair popped in to tell us about the important job she does and all the different ways that she helps people when she is at work. She answered all of our questions and showed us her cool uniform! At one point, Miss Meechan started misbehaving but thankfully DC Sinclair was on hand to sort her out 😉

We’d like to say a huge THANK YOU to DC Sinclair for giving up her time to come and talk to us. We learned lots and really enjoyed meeting you 😊😊😊

Cumbernauld Fire & Rescue

We have been learning about ‘People Who Help Us’ and have been lucky enough to have some amazing visitors.

Despite it being their busiest time of year, Cumbernauld Fire & Rescue were kind enough to drop by and speak to the Banton Bairns about what it’s like to be a fire fighter. We invited the whole school to join in and everyone had a great time learning about the important job our fire fighters do.

We’d like to say a big THANK YOU to Cumbernauld Fire & Rescue for coming to visit us. We had a great time; especially when we got a shot of the hose!

Ahoy, Mateys!

What a fantastic start to the year we’ve had in the Banton Bairns! We have all been settling into routines, exploring our classroom and making new friends.

We have been learning about pirates! We have designed our own pirate outfits and made amazing treasure maps. We chose from a variety of materials and built our own pirate ships with a mast and a sail. Then we tested them to see if they would float or sink.  We even hid treasure from each other in our playground and used maps that we had made to find it; X marks the spot!

You can catch up on all of our adventures at the link below!





Outdoor Learning Day

Primary 1/2 had a great time during last week’s outdoor learning day. We started off with a game of spelling tig before finding a cozy spot to share our reading books with a partner. For maths, we used materials we found in the playground to show our number bonds to 10. Afterwards, we gathered information about everyone’s favourite colours and displayed it in a pictogram. In the afternoon, we created some little leaf buddies to keep us company before using paints to make some leaf print art.

Check out all the fun we had at the link below:

STEM – LEGO Houses

As part of our topic (Toys From the Past), Primary 1/2 were asked what kind of things they would like to learn about. One toy which was mentioned several times was LEGO. This week we having been learning all about LEGO; it’s a lot older than we thought! Did you know that the first LEGO toys were made out of wood?!

We drew ourselves as LEGO characters and then designed a LEGO house that we could live in.  We shared our designs with our team mates and chose the best parts of each one to build a LEGO house together.  We did a good job of sharing and taking turns. We had a good look at the other teams’ houses so that we could share good ideas with each other.  By the time we were finished, we all had houses to be proud of! 😊

Have a look at our design and building process here:

Edinburgh Zoo

What a fantastic time we had at Edinburgh Zoo on Friday! We met so many interesting animals and were even lucky enough to get to touch and hold some of them! After lunch, we got to meet the animals we had all been waiting for; penguins! We learned so much more about them and even got to build our own penguin nest. We tried very hard to walk with a penguin egg on our feet but it was really tricky!Big thank yous to all our parent helpers and to the staff at the zoo, especially Jamie and Phil who made our visit so special 😀 Check out our video below to see what we got up to.



Outdoor Learning Day 3

It might have been a rainy day but that didn’t stop P1/2 from enjoying the great outdoors! We gathered materials to build shelters for our Antarctic explorers and went on a winter scavenger hunt in the playground.  Our friends in the Biggies built a fire pit for us so that we could cook some food the way a real explorer would. Thank you Biggies, our s’mores were delicious 😋


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