The Students become the Masters

Sometimes in class we do some exercises and yoga to keep active. Usually we watch an instructor on a video or Mr McNab (tries to) show us different moves we can do.

This time, it was OUR turn to become the teachers!

We worked in groups to create workout routines, and then showed the rest of the class how to do different exercises.

Watch our video and feel free to join in!


This week in class, we have been learning about how important it is to look after our wellbeing. To help us with this, we have been looking at a strange word…SHANARRI!









Every day this week, we have been looking at different parts of SHANARRI. One of our favourite activities was for Achieving. We were given a challenge to build a bridge to connect two desks using construction materials. The bridge had to be both long and strong enough to hold the remote control for our Smartboard!

We worked together and complete the challenge! We were proud of what we achieved!

Ups, Downs, Talents and Targets!

As well as filling our brains, we have been filling our walls with some of our wonderful work!

We talked about the things that make us feel down and then cheered ourselves up by talking about the things that made us feel happy. To show this, we did some beautiful pictures on anchors and clouds!

We also discussed our talents and the things we are good at. Thinking about these things helped us to set new targets for things we would like to get better at. Here are our talents and targets, displayed beside our wonderful self-portraits. To draw these, we learned about where to place the different features of our faces, and then used selfie-cameras to make it easier to draw ourselves!


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