Transition visit from Kilsyth Academy teachers

Mr Hussain and Mrs Boyle visited Primary 6 & 7 children today as part of their transition to the Academy. The children had to complete a task using snow angels as a context. It was designed to seek their opinion on behaviour choices and styles of learning and teaching.

At the end of the session the children were given the opportunity to ask Mrs Boyle questions about high school. There were a lot of good questions about the merit and de-merit system as well as the differences between high school and primary school. It helped to allay any fears they may have had about moving on to secondary school.

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1 Comment

  1. I’m confident Primaries 6/7 that you expressed your opinions well. I hope you found out a lot of information about High School. If you have any worries at all, please speak to someone or put a note in the worry box. Moving to High School is a big change and it is only natural that you have may questions.

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