Banton Beehive

Banton Beehive

Over the past few weeks we have been working hard to decorate our beehive.  Each class has been able to decorate a section and we think it looks just fabulous!

Today we welcomed our bees into the beehive.  Beekeeper Miek came to help us with this and brought us a colony of bees.  He told us it is quite a small colony as it only has around 15-20 thousand bees.  We think that sounds like a lot!

Six of our P3/4 children got suited up to assist with the bee transfer.  A fabulous experience and one that none of us have had before.

The bees are now settling in and we hope they do really well here in Banton.  Fingers crossed for some tasty honey.

Looking forward to welcoming Miek back over the next few months to help us learn more about bees and how important they are.

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