Fun Friday Challenge – CCK Virtual Relay – Friday 5th June

This week we would love if you would participate in the Active Schools Virtual Relay.  We are posting this today to give you a chance to plan your day!

All you have to do is walk, run, scoot or cycle a distance of your choice and send in your distance so it can be collated. The school will then send the totals to Active Schools Co-ordinator who will work out which city we have managed to travel to.

As a small school, we know that we might not travel as far as some other large schools but we are always up for a challenge. All pupils and staff are encouraged to participate.

So, lace up the trainers, get the walking shoes on or look out the bikesor scooters and get involved.

We would encourage you to take photos and tweet them using the hashtag #CCKVirtualRelay and #NLActiveSchools and also remember to tag us @Banton_Pr

Once you are done either tweet the distance using @NLActiveSchools or if you prefer, email the distance to Mrs Rae –

Take a look at the posteron the link below to find out more details. Should you have any questions please just get in touch with Mrs Rae.

CCK North Lanarkshire Active Schools

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