Dear, Parent/Carer,
Getting Better Together has asked me to make all parents and carers aware of this grant which you may be entitled to. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the GBT office, number below. Hope this is of use to you. North Lanarkshire Tackling Financial Insecurity Fund via Getting Better Together Shotts Healthy Living Centre
Information for organisations and groups working with people in the target groups (see below)
The Scottish Government has made funding available to local authorities to support people experiencing financial hardship over the winter period as a result of COVID-19.
The fund is to be used to: – provide financial support to tackle food insecurity, daily living or to meet fuel costs. To assist people across the Wishaw, Murdostoun Fortissat locality. Getting Better Together in partnership with the Community Solutions program is helping to distribute funds.
Can you identify and support people to apply to this fund?
Who can apply the Target Groups are:-
- Children and young people
- People experiencing food poverty and insecurity
- Single parent families
- Black, Asian and Minority ethnic people and families.
- Vulnerable Women
- Vulnerable Men
- Older people
- People with disabilities
People will be given a benefit check by the North Lanarkshire Council Financial Inclusion Team to ensure:
- Income is being maximised
- To support proof of eligibility
If you are in receipt of any of these benefits below then you may be entitled to a grant of £100.00 per person.
You will also be asked to give evidence of receiving or waiting to hear about:-
- Income Support;
- Iincome-based Job Seeker’s Allowance;
- Contribution-based Job Seekers Allowance;
- Iincome-based Employment and Support Allowance;
- Contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance;
- Carer’s Allowance;
- Disability Benefits (DLA, PIP and AA);
- Housing Benefit;
- Council Tax Reduction Scheme;
- Savings Pension Credit, Guaranteed Pension Credit; or
- Have no recourse to public funds.
The fund will be distributed simply and quickly by: Getting Better Together (for Wishaw, Murdostoun, Fortissat (Shotts) locality) If you need support and help please telephone 01501 825800 This fund must be distributed by 31 March 2021 so please act now!
Thank You