Chris Bennett Visit

Primary 3 really enjoyed our visit from Chris Bennett who is a hammer thrower for Scotland and Great Britain. This morning, we went outside and used a trundle wheel to measure the distance Chris can throw the hammer. We can’t believe how far 74.66 metres is! It was a great day!

French Champions Leadership Group

Today in our French Champions Leadership Group we had some visitors. Amy and Beth from Uddingston Grammar School visited to help us learn about pets. We had lots of fun learning new vocabulary including the keyhole guessing game, playing charades and using the sock puppet app on the i-pad to hear ourselves speak in French. Thank you to Amy and Beth for taking the time to come and help us

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Primary 3 Multiplication

Today we started a new maths topic about multiplication. We were learning how multiplication and addition are friends. We used cubes as buttons on our snowmen to show visually how to multiply by 2 and how this links to addition. Did you know? 2×3=6 so 3×2=6 and 3+3=6 We have learnt so much already!

Science in P3 – Forces

Today we brought in some toys from home to explore the force we used when playing with them. We sorted them into push, pull or both toys then investigated how we could make them move quicker/slower/further away or in a different direction by changing the amount of force we applied to the toy. We finished off the afternoon by playing with play-doh and making examples of push and pull forces

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The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark – P3

Over the last few weeks we have been reading The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark as our class novel. Lots of our literacy work in class has linked to this novel. We’ve written character descriptions of Plop the barn owl and even written our own chapter of ‘Dark is…’ following on in the author’s style. In art, we’ve been creating an image of Plop sitting in a tree

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P3 Money

In Primary 3, we have started our new maths topic ‘money’ with Mrs Devine.  We are learning how to use the 50p coin. We can count the total of coins up to £1 and we can lay out different coin combinations up to £1. Some of us are practising how to count up in 10s and 20s to make this easier for us. Our next step is to learn how

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Leadership Academy French Champions

This week, our French Champions made labels for around our school to show what the different rooms in the school are called in French. We will help others in the school learn the new vocabulary by pointing out the signs and telling our friends how to pronounce the French words. A big thank you to Millie and Kayleigh for teaching us all a clapping rhyme to count to 20. We

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P3 Phonics and Tessellation Pattern Making

Here are some photos of what Primary 3 have been learning this week. In phonics, we’ve been practicing our new phonemes with our partner. We clap to count the syllables then break the word into phonemes, writing them down on our elkonin boxes. We count how many sounds we hear in each word. In maths, we’ve been creating tessellation patterns using squares and rectangles. A tessellation pattern must have no

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