P3 Leading the Learning

Well done Jonathan and Hannah, a super example of you both leading the learning in our class and teaching others how to play a new game. Well done 👏🏻👍🏻

P3 Outdoor Numeracy

We enjoyed taking our learning out to the playground this morning to practise creating number lines, jumping back in jumps of tens and ones. Some of us also created our own sums using three numbers. It was lovely to be outside on a nice, sunny morning.

P3 Spelling Strategies

Primary 3 have been using a range of spelling strategies to help them learn their common words. A favourite has been writing the word on your partner’s back and asking them to guess the word. Another has been writing a mnemonic to help remember the order of the letters. Learning the shape of the word, including discussing the tall and short letters has helped picture the words in their heads.

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“Who’s that trip trapping over my bridge?”

Primary 3 have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the traditional tale of The Three Billy Goats Gruff through drama. Look at these ferocious trolls and happy, confident goats as they retold the story through: still images,  movement, voice production and creating a conscience alley. Children had to explore the conscience of the troll, will he eat the goats or won’t he? Such a hard decision!

French Champions Leadership Academy

Last week our French Champions led the learning by recapping the French food and drink vocabulary to the group and leading a game of heads down/thumbs up in French. They were all superstars! Bravo! They learned how to ask someone what they would like to drink and practised during some role-play activities. Then they started creating Cafe Menus for the French Cafe next term. The French Champions chose the next

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P3 IDL Famous Scots Art

We started our new Famous Scots IDL topic by researching the famous Scottish Artist Steven Brown. We looked at how he became famous and discussed what we thought of his paintings. Then we created our own bright animal image in Steven Brown’s style. We all chose our own media to use from oil pastels, pens or paint. We’re looking forward to finishing them this week and comparing them to Steven

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Primary 3 Coding with Scratch Junior

CCC8B2FC-3887-4686-BB14-D9402D71AE95 Primary 3 finished off our coding and inventions idl topic by creating our own codes and games on Scratch Junior. I’m amazed and proud of how talented and creative you all are. Well done Primary 3!

Primary 3 Coding and Outdoor Learning

Primary 3 are learning about computers and coding. Today they made a non-technology code for their partner to follow. They had to get their partner from one cone to another by avoiding the obstacles in the way. They tested their code out by one partner being the computer and one being the coder. Afterwards we had lots of discussion about what worked in our codes and what changes we would

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French Champions Leadership Academy

This week the French Champions were introduced to some French foods in preparation for having a French Cafe later in the year. Children enjoyed playing bingo, pictionary and noughts and crosses to reinforce their learning of the new vocabulary. They also started a words of the month wall, concentrating on manners this month. Here are some photos of the activities and of the vocabulary so you can practise at home

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P3 Volleyball

Here are Primary 3 showing us their new skills in volleyball. The children have been learning the overhead throw and underarm toss as well as getting into the ‘ready to play’ position. Fantastic work Primary 3!