Breakfast Club – August 2018

A New Breakfast service will begin in August.

Breakfast will be served in the hall each morning between 8:15 a.m. and 8:45 a.m. It will be staffed by Breakfast Supervisors and Kitchen staff. Children should enter the school through the main door.  This do will be opened at 8.15am, children will not need to buzz for entry.  There will not be adult supervision in the playground at that time so no children should be in the playground before 8:15am.  Playground supervision will start at 8.40a.m. as usual.

Children will be served a bowl of cereal with milk, a slice of toast with spread and some fruit juice and the choice of fresh fruit. The cost of this to all P1-P7 children are as follows:

One child £1, 2 children £1.50,  3 children £1.80, and 4 children £2.10

Children in receipt of Free School Meal entitlement will not have to pay.  If you know you have not applied for this because your child is in P1-P3 then you should go to the One Stop Shop and make a free school meal application. If your children have different surnames they need to come to the counter at the same time so that they are charged the sibling rates detailed above. You should credit your child/children’s lunch card for breakfast as well as lunch as we will continue to operate a cashless system.

There will be board games for the children to play with after they have eaten and they will go out into the playground at 8:40a.m.


Please ensure that there is funding available on the cards at all times.

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