Lots and lots of visitors in P2!

As part of our People Who Help Us Topic parents and family from the community were invited into Primary 2 to give a talk about their jobs and how they help people.  We were so lucky to hear lots of stories about how they help people in their individual jobs.  We heard from an Optician, Police Officer, Firefighter, Nurse, Hospital Activities Coordinator for the elderly and a Soldier.  Thank you so much to everybody involved and apologies for the delay in posting the pictures as I know you have all been waiting eagerly to see them.


Here are the pupil responses from listening to the visitors:

Maisie – Patients have buzzers so the nurses can go to the room and they can help them.

Ava – I learnt lots from Lucy’s auntie.  Nurses take patients blood pressure.

Lucy B – They can take skin from other parts of the body to fix the sore hand.

Bailey – Nurses put honey on people’s cuts so they can get better.

Joseph –  It might sound sore but nurses put leeches on peoples ears to help them.

Lucy M – Nurses put seaweed on your wounds because it stops the bleeding.

Hannah – If they can’t breath very well they use a mask with oxygen.

Jonathan – If someone is bleeding, nurses can put bandages on them.

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