Westfield Nursery

June 29, 2020
by User deactivated

Well Done!

Beautiful photographs that mums want to share of the Mini Graduation that took place last Monday morning. A good time was had by all who took part!


June 28, 2020
by Miss Copeland

Summer Holidays

Hi Everyone

We have finally made it to the Summer holidays, but for some of you it will just feel just the same (except the sunshine seems to have disappeared, typical for the summer holidays).  It has been a very strange year and all the nursery ladies have missed you all so much and are looking forward to when we can all be together again.  We can’t believe our big girls and boys will be starting Primary 1 after the Summer,  we loved seeing you all at our mini graduation celebrations last week.  With all the rush none of the ladies took any photos so if you did take any good ones of your child at the graduation could you please send me them on KCopeland@westfield.n-lanark.sch.uk so I can share them with the other teachers and with your permission post them on the blog for all the boys and girls to see.

The Summer holidays are a very long time so here are some suggested activities for any Mums and Dads who are looking for things to do to keep the little people busy over the Summer holidays.  (Click on the links below this grid for more grids).    These were the grids I posted in the first 5 weeks of lockdown but every activity can be revisited and should give you a different experience and result.

Remember to be good for your Mummy’s and Daddy’s and if you want to send me any photos to share with your friends on the blog feel free (kcopeland@westfield.n-lanark.sch.uk).


Take Care and happy holidays.


Love and hugs

from Miss Copeland


suggested activities for while children are off nursery

suggested activities for while children are off nursery 2

suggested activities for while children are off nursery 3

suggested activities for while children are off nursery 4

Suggested activities for while children are off nursery 5


June 28, 2020
by Miss Copeland

Another busy nursery girl

Another very busy nursery girl.  Thank you for sharing all the fun things you have been up to.  I am sure your friends will be so excited to see you.  We hope you have lots of fun over the summer holidays and we will hopefully see you soon.


Love and hugs

From all the nursery Ladies



June 21, 2020
by Miss Copeland

Stay sun safe during the Summer holidays

Hi Everyone

It is nearly time for the official Summer Holidays.  We know you have not been at nursery for a long time and you have kind of been having an extra long Summer holiday but on Wednesday the real Summer Holidays start.  It doesn’t really feel like the Summer because we have not had all our usual parties and graduation celebrations but we have had to keep safe by staying at home.  Hopefully we will all be together soon and we will be having a mini graduation in the infant playground today for the boys and girls going to school.  (I will put photos on later).


We know the weather has been very hot recently but now that it is Summer it will stay hot for longer and the sun will get even stronger so watch this great wee story about how a boy called George learned how to stay safe in the sun….

Remember to follow George’s advice on following the 5 S’s:

  • Slip (on a T shirt)
  • Slop (on sun cream)
  •  Slap (on a hat)
  • Sunglasses
  • Shade

And you will be a SUN SAFE SUPERSTAR too!

Maybe you could do some lovely summer art too…


See the source image See the source image See the source image

June 14, 2020
by Miss Copeland


Lets look at animals this week…

We love this story at nursery, maybe you have it in your house, if not listen to the author, Rod Campbell reading it in this little clip….

Animals are great to learn about, there are so many things to think about:

Let’s explore the book:

  • talk to your child about:
    • different parts of a book (front, back, spine)
    • how to hold a book and turn the pages properly
    •  title and the blurb on the back
    • author and illustrator
    • the words and the pictures
  • now see if your child can retell the story, ask them:
    •  what animals do they remember
    • why could they not keep the – elephant, giraffe, lion etc
    • Why could they keep the puppy?
    •  can they remember the order the animals came in?
    • what was their favourite story and why?

Let’s move like the animals, here is a fun action song to show you how some animals move:

Let’s think about the different types of animals: (Wild animals, Farm animals, Woodland animals, Pets) –

  • talk about the different types of animals
  • gather all your animals toys and sort them into the different types
  • gather all your books about animals and sort them into different types
  • make pictures of the different types of animals

Baby animals are called, this is a good way to widen your child’s knowledge and vocabulary when learning about animals.  Here is a wee video to help learn what baby animals are called….

Animals Art and Crafts ideas…

See the source image See the source image See the source image

Where do animals live?

Where in the world do different animals come from? If your child is particularly interested in where animals live you could extend this by researching which countries animals come from ….

See the source image


This is a great way of getting children interested in patterns, initially just looking and identifying animal patterns can be fun, and recreating these type of patterns with arts and crafts materials.

See the source image

You could also introduce your child to the mathematical concept of repetitive patterns, using objects or mark making.

See the source image See the source image See the source image See the source image

This is also a great book to reinforce ordinal number (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc).

  • talk to your child about which animal came 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc
  • make cards with 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc on them and ask your child to put them in order
  • encourage your child to put their toys in queues and talk about which toy is 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc
  • talk about the days of the week and label them the 1st, 2nd, 3rd day of the week etc

June 14, 2020
by Miss Copeland

We had fun at sports day

We had a great time doing our virtual sports day, we hope you had fun too.  Keeping a score was nearly impossible so I am just going to give the girls 1 point for every event they took part in so we will be giving 10 points per twin (20 points) for the grasshopper group.

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