St Ignatius' PS


Primary 5/6 Home Activities    Tues 12th – Fri 15th   May (ALL RESOURCES ON TEAMS)


Master Minds

Stomach, stationary, strategy, strength, success, surely, fierce, finally, foreign, forty

Use the ‘Spelling Suggestions’ resources on Teams.
Use these words to create a silly paragraph or silly sentences.
Use these words to create a word search and challenge someone you live with to find these words.

Bright Sparks

Another, butterfly, does, friends, Ireland, April, called, dropped, frightened, I’ve

Use the ‘Spelling Suggestions’ resources on Teams.
Use these words to create a silly paragraph or silly sentences.
Use these words to create a word search and challenge someone you live with to find these words.


Super Stars/ Whizz Kids

Spell, watch, answer, eye, land, open, spring, water, any, face

Use the ‘Spelling Suggestions’ resources on Teams.
Choose 5 of these words and write silly sentences.
Use these words to create a word search and challenge someone you live with to find these words.





Keep an online daily diary on your e-portfolios.

I have been busy baking lots of cakes and scones and I am sure lots of you have been baking or helping to cook a lovely meal. It would be great if you could write a recipe for something you made. Remember you’ll need a list of ingredients, utensils and then your method in steps. I’ve uploaded a template on Teams you may want to use. Please share pictures with us too! J


I have assigned each group a book to read on Epic (the access instructions are in Teams). There are loads of books and comics you can choose to read on Epic, please do! I have assigned you these books too, I hope you enjoy them.
Master Minds – your book is called ‘Explorer Academy Book 1: The Nebula Secret.’ Read the next 3 chapters. Set yourself some activities: make predictions, find the meaning of new tricky words (metalinguistics), summarise a chapter, create a character visualiser, create comprehension questions for someone in your reading group!
Bright Sparks – your book is called ‘Hunter Moran Saves the Universe’. Read the next 3 chapters. Set yourself some activities: make predictions, find the meaning of new tricky words (metalinguistics), find the key points a chapter, create a character visualiser, create comprehension questions for someone in your reading group!
Super Stars/ Whizz Kids – your books I called ‘My Pet Slime 2’. Continue with this book from last week. This book has the option to read aloud to you to help you follow along. Try this then try to read it by yourself! As you read, try to find the meaning of some of the tricky words you come across.


Read and complete the comprehension activity for your group about Traditional Music in Scotland (see Teams for resource).
Bright Sparks complete the 2 star reading and activity.
Master Minds complete the 3 star reading and activity.

Read and complete the comprehension activity for your group All About Spring (see Teams for resource).
Super Stars and Whizz Kids complete the 3 star reading and activity.





Master Minds – Open up the ‘Metaphors and Similes’ document. Complete the simile and metaphor sentence.

Bright Sparks – Open the document ‘Literacy Challenge’. Choose one or two of the challenges to complete.

Super Stars/ Whizz Kids – Open the document ‘Verbs’. Choose the correct action word for each column.




Master Minds please try the ‘Fix the Spelling’ activity.
Bright Sparks try the punctuation activity labelled for your group.
Super Stars and Whizz Kids try the punctuation activity labelled for your group.








I have set you all a SumDog challenge every day from 11:30am – 3:30pm

Area – Remember to find the area of a shape we multiply the length by the breadth.

Capacity Match – Match the container to the estimated capacity.

Time Difference – Complete the time differences based on different time zones from around the world. Click on the link and pick an area of your choice to work on.

Good luck!



I have set you all a SumDog challenge every day from 11:30am – 3:30pm

Converting Measure – Match the measurements. We have completed lots of work on converting weight, length and volume measurements. What can you remember?

Estimate and Measure Practical – If you have these items at home then try to follow the instructions and record your answers.

Order Weight Cards – Put these weights in the correct order. Click on the link and pick an area of your choice to work on.

Good luck!




I have set you all a SumDog challenge every day from 11:30am – 3:30pm

Capital Letter Symmetry – Which of these capital letters have a line of symmetry?

Spring Lines of Symmetry – Complete the other half of these spring images.

Symmetry – How many lines of symmetry does each shape have? Click on the link and pick an area of your choice to work on.

Good luck!


Other activities


Watch, listen and reflect to the Fifth Sunday of Easter Children’s Liturgy

We know May is a special month of devotion to Our Lady. Complete the stain glass window activity. This would be lovely to display on your window throughout the month of May.

Remember the Angelus challenge set by Motherwell Diocese. There is a folder with May resources on our Teams that has our Angelus prayer challenge card. Colour each flower every weekday when you say the Angelus prayer. Mother Diocese will upload a new video everyday on Twitter.



Health and Wellbeing

Try out the new ‘Fitness Cards’ I’ve uploaded to Teams.
Keep up your fitness on Youtube!
Join Joe Wicks at 9am every weekday morning for PE or dance with Oti Mabusse 11:30am (Strictly Come Dancing).

I have uploaded a ‘BGE Activity Booklet’. Try to complete an activity for this once a day.

Take some time to relax. We have all spoken before about how important it is to keep your mind healthy. As well as eating healthy, exercising I have uploaded some mindfulness colouring for you to try out. Some of these have lovely encouraging messages that you could display in your window to cheer up key workers who are still out working.



Click on the document named ‘Guess the St Ignatius staff’. Can you guess all the teachers from their First Communion photos?


Mr Anderson

Mr Anderson will upload some STEAM activities for our class every Monday. Find them here J


Please upload any work you do to share files in our class folder on Teams.

Remember, don’t worry about completing all these task! Do what you can! Keep Safe


Primary 5/6 Home Activities    Mon 4th – Thurs 7th  May  (ALL RESOURCES ON TEAMS)


Master Minds

Evaluation, evidence, exaggerated, experience, explanation, fascinating, February, sincerely, skilful, soldier

Use the ‘Spelling Suggestions’ resources on Teams.
Use these words to create a silly paragraph or silly sentences.
Use these words to create a word search and challenge someone you live with to find these words.

Bright Sparks

Allow, busy, different, four, Inverness, almost, butterflies, difficult, friendly, investigate

Use the ‘Spelling Suggestions’ resources on Teams.
Use these words to create a silly paragraph or silly sentences.
Use these words to create a word search and challenge someone you live with to find these words.


Super Stars/ Whizz Kids

Animal, earth, icy, often, sound, walk, another, even, kind, once

Use the ‘Spelling Suggestions’ resources on Teams.
Choose 5 of these words and write silly sentences.
Use these words to create a word search and challenge someone you live with to find these words.



Reading/ Writing

Keep an online daily diary on your e-portfolios.

I have assigned each group a book to read on Epic (the access instructions are in Teams). There are loads of books and comics you can choose to read on Epic, please do! I have assigned you these books too, I hope you enjoy them.
Master Minds – your book is called ‘Explorer Academy Book 1: The Nebula Secret.’ Read the first 3 chapters. Set yourself some activities: make predictions, find the meaning of new tricky words (metalinguistics), summarise a chapter, create a character visualiser, create comprehension questions for someone in your reading group!
Bright Sparks – your book is called ‘Hunter Moran Saves the Universe’. Read the first 3 chapters. Set yourself some activities: make predictions, find the meaning of new tricky words (metalinguistics), find the key points a chapter, create a character visualiser, create comprehension questions for someone in your reading group!
Super Stars/ Whizz Kids – your books I called ‘My Pet Slime 2’. I assigned you the first one last week. This book has the option to read aloud to you to help you follow along. Try this then try to read it by yourself! Try to make a prediction before you begin reading. As you read, try to find the meaning of some of the tricky words you come across.


Read and complete the comprehension activity for your group about Rivers of the World (see Teams for resource).
Whizz Kids and Super Stars complete the 1 star reading and activity.
Bright Sparks complete the 2 star reading and activity.
Master Minds complete the 3 star reading and activity.




Master Minds – Open up the ‘Too Nice’ document. Replace the word ‘nice’ with more interesting words.

Bright Sparks – Open the document ‘A Choice of Words’. Choose ‘is’ or ‘are’ and ‘was’ or ‘were’ to make the sentences make sense.

Super Stars/ Whizz Kids – Open the document ‘Animal Sounds and Movements’. Remember verbs are doing words. Choose verbs from the box to write about the sound the animals make and how they move.



Master Minds – Practise joining from the letter ‘f’

Bright Sparks – Practise printing to make captions page 2

Super Stars/ Whizz Kids – Practise printing to make captions page 1





I have set you all a SumDog challenge every day from 11:30am – 3:30pm

Written Method Multiplication – Open this document. Calculate the price of the luxury holidays using the written method of multiplication.

Fractions of a Quantity – Open this document and complete Q 1. Remember to divide by the denominator and multiply by the number.

Challenge Cards – Complete one of the challenge cards. In this game you should choose any area of fractions you’d like to work on eg. simplifying or equivalent


Good luck!



I have set you all a SumDog challenge every day from 11:30am – 3:30pm

Timetables – Open the document. Use your knowledge of time to find the time duration of journeys.

Calendar – Open the document. Use your knowledge of the calendar to find time intervals. Test your timetables knowledge!

Good luck!




I have set you all a SumDog challenge every day from 11:30am – 3:30pm

Three Digit Numbers – read and write the three digit numbers.

Counting Forward in 1s – find the missing number in the sequence (this comes in two pages) Select ‘Count On and Back’ and then ‘+/- up to 30’

Good luck!


Other activities


Watch, listen and reflect to the Fourth Sunday of Easter Children’s Liturgy

We know May is a special month of devotion to Our Lady. Why is Our Lady so special to us? What are the many other names we call Our Lady? Create a visualiser to show this.

Remember the Angelus challenge set by Motherwell Diocese. There is a folder with May resources on our Teams that has our Angelus prayer challenge card. Colour each flower every weekday when you say the Angelus prayer. Mother Diocese will upload a new video everyday on Twitter.



Health and Wellbeing

Try out the new ‘60 Second Challenge Cards’ I’ve uploaded to Teams.
Keep up your fitness on Youtube!
Join Joe Wicks at 9am every weekday morning for PE or dance with Oti Mabusse 11:30am (Strictly Come Dancing).

I have uploaded a ‘COVID 19 Time Capsule’. Recording on this will be a great memory for us all to look back on.

Try out the Scavenger Hunt on your daily walk.

Why not try out some baking or cooking with your family? Share your recipes and upload some pictures. I would love to see that! J

Make sure to have some fun with your family. Play some games such as Hide and Seek, Stop the Bus or even watch a film together.

Do you remember, before we finished up school, we looked at the pointillism style of art and created our own brown trout in this style? Why not create another pointillism piece of art. This could be anything you like: maybe the view from your window or even your favourite toy or object.

Complete one of the Drawing Challenges.


Friday is a holiday so take the day off and make sure to have some fun!


Please upload any work you do to share files in our class folder on Teams.

Remember, don’t worry about completing all these task! Do what you can! Keep Safe!


Primary 5/6 Home Activities    Mon 27th – Fri 1St May (ALL RESOURCES ON TEAMS)


Master Minds

During, eight, either, embarrass, energy, endangerment, enquire, enthusiastic, environment, especially

Find the meaning of these 10 words.
Use spelling strategies to help you with spelling these words.
Use these words to create a silly paragraph.
Complete one of the spelling challenges in Teams.
Use these words to create a word search and challenge someone you live with to find these words.

Bright Sparks

Accident, brother, decided, following, inside, Airdrie, brought, didn’t, football, interesting

Find the meaning of these 10 words.
Use spelling strategies to help you with spelling these words.
Use these words to create a silly paragraph.
Complete one of the spelling challenges in Teams.
Use these words to create a word search and challenge someone you live with to find these words.


Super Stars/ Whizz Kids

House, must, something, turn, also, does, how, need, song, until

Find the meaning of these 10 words.
Complete a spelling task eg rainbow or pyramid spelling.
Use these words to create a silly paragraph.
Complete one of the spelling challenges in Teams.
Reading/ Writing

Keep an online daily diary on your e-portfolios.

Open the document ‘NHS Superheroes’ and complete the questions. Question 9 asks you to draw a picture of your own NHS Superhero. I would love to see these! Please try to upload them to Teams or Twitter.

Write a ‘Happy News’ report! Lots of the news stories we are hearing just now are sad and unpleasant. This week, try to write a different type of report, one that reports happy news! Think of something really good that you have heard about or have witnessed, eg all of the support everyone is giving the NHS by clapping on Thursdays and raising money or maybe your family are helping elderly relatives get shopping. Watch this video and begin the plan called ‘Happy News Report’ on Teams. Master Minds you could challenge yourself to write this in a newspaper report format when completed this planning sheet.


Read and complete the comprehension activity for your group about Scottish Scientist James Watt (see Teams for resource).
Whizz Kids and Super Stars complete the 1 star reading and activity.
Bright Sparks complete the 2 star reading and activity.
Master Minds complete the 3 star reading and activity.


Master Minds and Bright Sparks you have an inference task on teams.
Master Minds complete passage A and B
Bright Sparks complete passage C


Super Stars and Whizz Kids complete The Great White Shark reading activity.




Punctuate the sentences on Teams.
Whizz Kids and Super Stars complete the 1 star reading and activity.
Bright Sparks complete the 2 star reading and activity.
Master Minds complete the 3 star reading and activity.






I have set you all a SumDog challenge every day from 11:30am – 3:30pm

I would also like you to try some active games: In this game you should choose any area of fractions you’d like to work on eg. simplifying or equivalent Match the fraction to the correct scale


You also have three Fractions activity sheets on Teams.

The first activity is all about ordering and comparing fractions. Using more than (>) and less than (<) compare factions. The second part of this task is to order fractions from smallest to largest.

The second activity is all about finding the missing fraction, reading the information.

The third activity you have to find the fraction of the quantities. Remember we divide by the denominator and multiply by the numerator.

Good luck!



I have set you all a SumDog challenge every day from 11:30am – 3:30pm

I also have some active tasks for you this week: and Test your timetables knowledge!


You also have three activities on Teams.

The first one is all about timeables. Figure out time durations of journeys from reading the timetable.
The second activity is about the four operations (add, subtract, multiply and divide). Choose the correct operation to find the answer to each question.
The third activity is about multiplication. Look at the recipe for 12 cupcakes and use your multiplication knowledge to complete the questions.
Good luck!




I have set you all a SumDog challenge every day from 11:30am – 3:30pm

I also have some active tasks for you this week: Find the missing number! Select ‘Count On and Back’ and then ‘+/- up to 30’

You also have three activity sheets on Teams.
The first activity is all about coins. Add up all the coins to find out how much change Stig has been given.
‘At the Toy Shop’ is the second activity. Add up the price of the items asked in the question.
The third activity is all about adding and subtracting. Count on to add and back to subtract to complete the activity.
Good luck!


Other activities


Watch, listen and reflect to the Third Sunday of Easter Children’s Liturgy

25th April was the Feast Day of St Mark. Read the 3 facts I have uploaded on Team then carry out your own research to find more information about St Mark. Use this to create a factfile.


Health and Wellbeing
Keep up your fitness on Youtube!
Join Joe Wicks at 9am every weekday morning for PE or dance with Oti Mabusse 11:30am (Strictly Come Dancing).
Use the Fitness station cards from last week. Have you noticed your fitness improve?


Remember we made a mask for Brazil’s carnival? Watch this video and get inspiration to design a costume using different materials
It would be great to see your designs!


Complete one of the Drawing Challenges



Challenge yourself to translate the English phrases to Spanish (Teams)! You will know most of these but some may be a little trickier!

Check out Spanish Conversations task on Teams. Use the vocabulary to create your comic strip.



Please upload any work you do to share files in our class folder on Teams.

Remember, don’t worry about completing all these task! Do what you can! Keep Safe!


Primary 5/6 Home Activities    Mon 20th – Fri 24th April (ALL RESOURCES ON TEAMS)


Master Minds

Development, dialogue, diamond, diary, difference, different, dilemma, disappear, discipline, does

Find the meaning of these 10 words.
Use spelling strategies to help you with spelling these words.
Use these words to create a silly paragraph.
Complete one of the spelling challenges in Teams.
Use these words to create a word search and challenge someone you live with to find these words.

Bright Sparks

Above, both, cupboard, flower, I’m, across, breakfast, December, foggy, important

Find the meaning of these 10 words.
Use spelling strategies to help you with spelling these words.
Use these words to create a silly paragraph.
Complete one of the spelling challenges in Teams.
Use these words to create a word search and challenge someone you live with to find these words.


Super Stars/ Whizz Kids

Sing, try, air, colour, hour, move, small, Tuesday, along, different

Find the meaning of these 10 words.
Complete a spelling task eg rainbow or pyramid spelling.
Use these words to create a silly paragraph.
Complete one of the spelling challenges in Teams.
Reading/ Writing

Keep an online daily diary on your e-portfolios.

Write a recount about your Easter day.

Watch a movie! I have uploaded a help sheet for you on Teams.
Whizz Kids and Super Stars: Write a review of the last movie you watched. Remember to include: what happened, the characters and a little about them your opinion and who you would recommend it to and why.
Bright Sparks: Identify the key points of the last movie you watched then use this to write a review of it.
Master Minds: Write a summary of the last movie you watched and then use this to write a detailed review.

Read and complete the comprehension activity for your group about Alexander Fleming (see Teams for resource).
Whizz Kids and Super Stars complete the 1 star reading and activity.
Bright Sparks complete the 2 star reading and activity.
Master Minds complete the 3 star reading and activity.



Remember homophones are words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. Complete the task on Teams.
Whizz Kids and Super Stars complete ‘To, too and two’ activity.
Bright Sparks complete the ‘There, their and they’re’ activity.
Master Minds complete the ‘Were, we’re, where and wear’ activity.





I have set you all a SumDog challenge every day from 11:30am – 3:30pm

Monday challenge – Related facts for multiplication and division

Tuesday challenge – Find unkown length from perimeter

Wednesday challenge – Decimals (tenths)

Thursday challenge – Convert whole number measurements

Friday challenge – Multiply 3 digits

You also have activity sheets on Teams to complete for Time, Problem Solving and Equivalent Fractions. Make sure to complete the task that have ‘Hexagons’ in their title.



I have set you all a SumDog challenge every day from 11:30am – 3:30pm

Monday challenge – Perimeter of 2D shapes

Tuesday challenge – Counting in 10, 100, 100, 10000s

Wednesday challenge – x11 x12 facts

Thursday challenge – Whole Numbers to 10, 000

Friday challenge – Multiply by a 2 digit number

You also have activity sheets on Teams to complete for Time, Rounding and 5 Digit Place Value. Make sure to complete the task that have ‘Pentagons’ in their title.




I have set you all a SumDog challenge every day from 11:30am – 3:30pm

Monday challenge –  Add three numbers within 20

Tuesday challenge – 2D Shape

Wednesday challenge – 3D Objects

Thursday challenge – Subtraction within 20

Friday challenge – Related addition and subtraction facts

You also have activity sheets on Teams to complete for Time, Addition and Place Value. Make sure to complete the task that have ‘Kites’ in their title.


Other activities

Keep up your fitness on Youtube!
Join Joe Wicks at 9am every weekday morning for PE or dance with Oti Mabusse 11:30am (Strictly Come Dancing).
I have uploaded some Fitness station card you could try out in your house or even in your garden.


Complete one or more of the Positive Thinking activity cards on Teams.


Keep up to day with your Spanish!
Go onto and watch the video about festivals in Valencia. Choose a Spanish festival to research from La Tomatina, Las Fallas or Los San Fermines. Use your information to create a poster for the event.


Research and complete the Endangered Animal activity.
Whizz Kids and Super Stars research and complete the activity for Galapagos Penguins.
Bright Sparks research and complete the activity for Black Rhino or Great White Shark. Do both if you like!
Master Minds research and complete the activity for Mountain Gorilla, Giant Panda, Bengal Tiger or Amur Leopard. You can challenge yourself to complete more than one if you like!


Please upload any work you do to share files in our class folder on Teams.

Remember, don’t worry about completing all these task! Do what you can! Keep Safe!


Primary 5/6 Home Activities    Wed 1st – Fri 3rd April   (ALL RESOURCES ON TEAMS)


Master Minds

research, resources, safety, Saturday, secondary, separate, sequence, shoulder, silhouette, develop

Find the meaning of these 10 words.
Use spelling strategies to help you with spelling these words.
Use these words to create a silly paragraph.

Try out the spelling challenge! (in Teams)


Bright Sparks

Aberdeen, birthday, country, five, huge, aeroplane, biscuit, cousin, floor, idea

Find the meaning of these 10 words.
Use spelling strategies to help you with spelling these words.
Use these words to create a silly paragraph.

Try out the spelling challenge! (in Teams)


Super Stars/ Whizz Kids

about, city, heat, morning, side, together, add, close, high, most

Find the meaning of these 10 words.
Use spelling strategies to help you with spelling these words.
Use these words to create a silly paragraph.

Try out the spelling challenge! (in Teams)



Reading/ Writing

Keep an online daily diary on your e-portfolios

Create your own superhero. What is their name? What is their superpower? What is their superhero outfit like? Draw your hero and write a little about them. You can upload these now to Teams!

Write a book review for the last book you read.

Read and complete the comprehension activity for your group about Tribes of the Amazon Rainforest (see Teams for resource).

Whizz Kids and Super Stars complete the 1 star reading and activity.

Bright Sparks complete the 2 star reading and activity.

Master Minds complete the 3 star reading and activity.


Create an informative poster to tell others how they can keep busy at home during this self-isolation period.




I have set you all a SumDog challenge every day from 11:30am – 3:30pm

Wednesday challenge – Simplify fractions

Thursday challenge – Multiplication

Friday challenge -Reading timetables

You also have Fractions activity sheets on Teams to complete.



I have set you all a SumDog challenge every day from 11:30am – 3:30pm

Wednesday challenge – Addition and Subtraction

Thursday challenge – Rounding

Friday challenge – Time sequences

You also have a Time activity sheet to complete on Teams.




I have set you all a SumDog challenge every day from 11:30am – 3:30pm

Wednesday challenge – Days and Months

Thursday challenge – Counting in 5s and 10s

Friday challenge – Coin calculations within 20p

You also have a Money activity sheet on Teams.


Other activities

Log on to Joe Wicks’ Youtube at 9am every weekday morning for PE.

Bake or cook with your parent or guardian. Learn a new skill!

Have some fun in the garden! Help to water the plants or even create your own exercise programme outside!

Design your own Easter Egg! With an adult’s help and permission, boil an egg then decorate when it has cooled down.

Complete some mindfulness colouring! I have some Easter images on Teams you can print out and colour.


Home Activities Week bg 23rd

Please click and download for P5/6 Home Activities Week beginning 23rd



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