St Ignatius' PS

Weekly Blog – 25th June

We have finally made it to the last week of term. On Friday we had a lovely graduation for our Primary 7 children and I am sure it was a day that the children and their families will remember for a long time.

On Wednesday the PTFA have organised a Fun Day for the children, this proved to be very successful last year and the children had a ball. Please ensure your child comes to school in appropriate clothing with a hat, sun cream applied and plenty of water as there will be a few outside activities. Funds raised by the PTFA will pay for the majority of the activities but we would be grateful if you could contribute £2 towards this.

In the past few years the cost of hiring transport to allow us to travel to more traditional ‘school trip’ venues has become prohibitive. As a result, families would be required to contribute greater amounts in order for us to sustain providing trips for all classes. We have therefore decided to provide a fun day which proportionally ensure every child has the maximum benefit from the money we have available and the additional money contributed by families.

Our recent joint Health Week with Wishaw Academy was a huge success and all of our pupils participated in a huge range of activities which they loved. Again, whilst we are happy to provide our pupils with as many new learning experiences as possible, the week has cost our school a great deal of money to ensure that the experiences provided were of a high quality and built skills.

I would like to thank the staff, parents, PTFA, parent helpers, Father Gerry, the Parish community and everyone who has been involved with this school, in making this a very successful year.

If you can please come along and join us for mass on Thursday at 9.30am.  The School will close at 1.00pm on Thursday. I hope you all have a lovely holiday and look forward to welcoming everyone back on Thursday 16th August.

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