Primary 6/7’s second homework sheet is attached in case you loose your paper copy.
In P.E we have been learning about different types of jumps such as pipe jumps, tuck jumps and star jumps. We have also been practicing our throwing skills. We have been increasing our stamina with running skills and doing circuits, we have also been looking at our heart rate and at the pitches we ran the full length. We done back running, running, side steps and skipping.
Mimes in P6/7
Stamina and strength
P6/7 homework sheet
Here is the first homework sheet for P6/7
P6/7 are here to help a hand
We are all enjoying being in P6/7 and our new home in the huts. P7s have taken on our new roles as monitors and mentors and are always on hand to help the other classes when we can. With our new class moto we have made some fantastic 3D hands to display! I wonder if you can see how we made them look so real.
Simplifying fractions
Scottish Opera
On Friday we are performing Warriors, the Emperor’s Incredible Army to others. P5 s will be The Builders, P6 are the Soldiers and P7s are The Peasants. We will be performing alongside Scottish Opera singers. Roger came to work with us prior to the Easter holidays to improve our singing. We will be singing a variety of songs to tell the story about the emperor. The story is set in China 2000 years ago. Watch this space for further updates!
Homework April 2015
Here is the next homework for P6/7. P7 have added guidelines for their personal project.
Our current topic is The Caribbean.
We have been researching our chosen island in pairs or trios and sharing our information in a powerpoint presentation. Here are some of our slideshows. We will upload more once they are completed and edited.
We are currently working on some Caribbean art work inspired by Shari Erikson. Here are a few pictures that inspired us.
On Monday, we learned about Fairtrade and baked muffins using Fairtrade bananas from the Caribbean.