Before the holidays we had a visitor to our class. It was Miss O’Neill’s mum! She came in to talk to us about her childhood during the 1960s. We made a list of questions to ask her prior to her visit. She brought in some LP’s to show us including ‘Hello Dolly’ and ‘The Sound of Music’ (both musicals from the 60s). She also brought in an old fashioned doll house and some photographs.
I learned that people tended to sit together in their living rooms as that was the warmest room in the house. Most homes didn’t have heating in the early 1960s. Cameron McAulay P7
I learned that bedrooms had hot water pipes and that would be the only heat source in the room. Lewis Potter P6
Mrs O’Neill said that the Beetles spoke their mind and that’s why some parents didn’t like them. Keavie P6
You would get the belt for talking whilst the teacher was talking to another adult and if you pulled your hand away, you’d get an extra whip. Jake and Kali P6