On Friday we had our epic class assembly. We explored the world of China and dived deep into food security.
Fee Fi Fo Fum !!! We would like to introduce you to our bun loving giant.
We had lots of fun with Daniella Ella lawson and her glam assistant
We created lovely powerpoints about animals and plants
Wooooo it was also Halloween!
We closed our assembly in style with the Monster Mash.
With a huge thanks to all the parents, relatives and carers who attended…and helped with the scones!
by Rachel and Lewis
It was a fabulous assembly! Well done;-)
Yes it was a fabulous assembly!
It was a great assembly and it was obvious how much work you had put in and how much you had learnt over the last term. Well done!
Your assembly was amazing. We all really enjoyed it. Well done primary 6/7.
From primary 3
your assembly was amazing well done
Your amazing assembly was awesome