Morningside Blog

May 19, 2020
by Mrs White

Primary 1 Transition

Reminder that our Primary 1 Transition information and materials are in their own tab at the top of the page. Please direct anyone you know with a child starting with us in August to it. Also, please encourage them to follow us on Twitter @morningsideps

There are lots of helpful documents and information to help your child with their transition to MPS. Please complete the short questionnaire to provide us with some information about your child.

Looking forward to meeting you all in person.


May 18, 2020
by Mrs White

The MPS 2020 Challenge

We are ambassadors for the rights of others

During the Coronavirus pandemic, the issue of Children’s Rights is as important as ever.

The teachers at Morningside Primary school have been working very hard to ensure that your right to an education is protected. We have done this by trying our best to provide ideas for home learning through use of Microsoft Teams. We are so proud of how much you have respected your own right to an education by engaging online with us and showing us the brilliant learning that you are continuing to do at home.

Your parents have also worked really hard to make sure your rights are protected. A few examples of this are providing you with good quality food (Article 24, UNCRC) and giving you opportunities to play (Article 31, UNCRC).

Although life is a bit different at the moment there is still something we can do to continue to promote and be ambassadors for our own rights and the rights of others! This is why we are setting up the MPS 2020 Challenge.


The Challenge           

The challenge will take place from Monday the 1st of June until Thursday the 11th June. To take part in the challenge you will need to give up 15 minutes of your day between these dates.

The challenge will be created by pupils from Morningside Primary school. Here is how you will be involved.

We need you to plan a 15 minute challenge and send it to your teacher. You can either film a video or write/draw a plan. Your teacher will then choose one plan from your whole class and this will be the one used when the challenge begins.

On the week of the challenge you will need to ask an adult to log into twitter and go to @morningsideps where you will find the challenge of the day. This will be a video of a member of staff from Morningside Primary school demonstrating the challenge. You will then need to set a timer and get involved in the challenge! You can ask an adult to film you or take pictures to share on twitter with the hashtag #MPS2020Challenge

We are doing the challenge to continue raising awareness about children’s rights and also to raise money for a children’s charity. We will provide a link to an online donations page very soon and hope that you will ask your friends and family to sponsor you by making an online donation.


How To Submit Your Challenge Idea

There are a few things that you need to think about before you can get your challenge ready to send to your teacher.

Remember there will be children as young as Primary 1 taking part. I am sure that some of you will also be getting your younger siblings, mums and dads to take part too! Your challenge needs to be accessible to all ages.

Also, think carefully about any equipment that you may need to complete your challenge. Is it something that everyone has in their house, or can you suggest something that they could use instead?

The challenge needs to be something that people can do for 15 minutes without stopping. For example, cycling around the block for 15 minutes, passing a ball between two or three people, skipping without stopping or a dance sequence.

You can either write or draw your challenge idea or film it and send it to your teacher on Teams. You will need to take part in the challenge when it begins to find out if your idea was chosen!

May 6, 2020
by Mrs White

Resource Stations

We have set up two ‘resource stations’ that families can pick up supplies from. These supplies include things such as; jotters, blank paper, coloured paper, rulers, pencils, colouring pens, colouring pencils, sharpeners and rubbers.

Just ask in either of the following two shops if you can get items from the Morningside Primary supply box.

Thank you to both shops for supporting the school at this time!

U Save, Tiree Crescent, Newmains

KeyStore, Lynnwood Road, Newmains

April 22, 2020
by Mrs White

Parentzone Scotland – Learning at Home

Click to link to visit the Education Scotland Parentzone site.

Here you will find guidance on supporting your child in various curricular areas, as well as advice on creating a good home learning environment.


Remember, contact the school via email at: if you need any help or support and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.


April 22, 2020
by Mrs White

Educational Psychology: Advice and support regarding children and young people (COVID-19)

Dear Parents/Carers,

Who is it for?

School staff/other professionals, parents/carers and young people

What will it provide?

Advice/phone consultation support to help manage the stresses that can felt by children and young people at this difficult time.

How to get in contact:

Phone: 01236 812 380. 10am – 3pm Monday to Friday(Please leave message and we will return your call)


Below you will find the most recent link for parents which the Educational Psychologists have been involved in writing. It contains information about ‘helping your child to be healthy’ and includes information from Sleep Scotland NHS advice on anxiety.

Take care, stay safe.

Welcome back!

April 20, 2020 by Mrs White | 2 Comments

Good morning everyone and welcome back to our summer term!

We hope you have all been enjoying this lovely weather and that you have been having lots of fun with your families.

All of the staff have enjoyed their break too but they are now ready to get back to business and restart our home learning programme.

Parents, please check your email for communication from Mrs Gardiner, including your junk/spam folders. Encourage your children to check in with their teachers and do a little bit of work every day.

Pupils, remember to log on to your class team every day where you will find literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and topic tasks being added each week. Here you can ask your teacher questions and get a chance to share your work.

We are all missing Team MPS and love to see what you have been doing so please share pictures through your team or Twitter.

Remember to take time to get some exercise and to relax as well. Enjoy this fair weather whilst we have it.

Finally, here’s a bit of light entertainment to hopefully make you smile on our first day back.  A huge thank you to Mrs Lyons for putting it all together.

Stay safe and keep smiling.


April 3, 2020
by Mrs White

End of Term and Crazy Hair Day!

Another week of home learning complete!

The teachers have been very impressed with the work being done by their pupils and have enjoyed keeping in touch over Teams.

Our mental maths skills have been put to the test with the Pupils v Teachers challenges and we are sure you will help our school get to top spot on the leaderboard in the Sumdog Easter Challenge.

Today is the last day of term, and so it is time for you all to rest and a enjoy a well-deserved break. There won’t be work added to your team over the next two weeks, but please pop on and say hello or share some pictures of what you have been getting up to.

The House Captains had decided that our monthly dress down day should also be a ‘crazy hair day’. We would love for you to get inventive with whatever you can find in the house and share you pictures on Twitter or your Team.

Have fun today, and for the next two weeks. Our new term of learning will start on Monday 20th April.

Stay safe everyone.

Team MPS

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