Morningside Blog

October 27, 2016
by Mrs White

It’s nearly time!

Monday 31st October is the official start of the voting period for the Bags of Help grant.

Help us be awarded the maximum amount by voting for us after you shop at the Wishaw Tesco Extra in the next two weeks.

Some of our pupils will be representing the school on Friday 4th November to drum up support.

Please spread the word, after all, every little helps!

Tesco logo

October 6, 2016
by Mrs White

Dress Down Day

Tomorrow, Friday 7th October, is a Dress Down Day. Children can wear casual clothes (NO football colours please) and bring a £1 donation. Monies raised will be going towards repairing our wooden picnic benches. Apart from dress down, it is a normal school day.
Also, any school photograph orders still to be returned, please be in for tomorrow. Thank you.

September 27, 2016
by Mrs White

Parental Engagement Survey

The authority’s Parental Engagement Strategy is currently being revised.

As well as reviewing the practice since the introduction of the Parental Involvement Act 2006, the revised strategy will draw on schools’ current and intended relationship with parents.

The recently published Education Scotland Act 2016 and the HGIOS4 both contain dedicated sections which emphasise the need for schools and parents to work effectively to enhance pupil progress and school improvement.

To that end two surveys have been created for schools and parents to reflect and comment on current practice and suggest how parental engagement might be improved.

To complete the survey, click on the link below:

September 21, 2016
by Mrs White

Bags of Help

We received this update from Tesco yesterday:

Unfortunately, due to a shortage in voting equipment outside of Tesco and Groundwork’s control, it has become necessary to delay the customer voting until 31 October to 13 November (originally planned to take place 26 September to 9 October).

We have taken this step to ensure that all Tesco customers have the opportunity to vote and that every store is participating. As voting is delayed, this will regretfully mean that we will not be able to notify you of your grant award until the end of November. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but we believe that delaying the public vote is the right course of action to take to ensure the vote’s fairness and transparency for all applicant groups concerned.

Please continue to spread the word and build support for our Playground Project until then. Tesco logo

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