Morningside Blog

P7/6 IDL – Natural Disasters

December 9, 2016 by User deactivated | 0 comments


P7/6 have shown their excellent design skills this week by designing earthquake proof buildings. It seems we have lots of budding architects as the children did a great job of sketching and labelling designs using what the had learned from their research tasks. The children have been comparing and justifying their design choices within their IDL groups. Another way we applied our knowledge was to create structures with different types of earthquake proofing features and we tested their performance with our own “shake test”!




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December 5, 2016
by Mrs White



    TUESDAY, 17 JANUARY 2017:    10.00am – 12noon (by appointment – 10min slots)


1.00pm – 3.00pm  (by appointment – 10min slots)


    WEDNESDAY, 18 JANUARY 2017: 2.00pm – 5.00pm

(by appointment – 10min slots)


    THURSDAY, 19 JANUARY 2017:  10.00am – 12noon

(by appointment – 10min slots)


      (Any difficulties attending registration during these times, please contact the school)


Registration is for children who attain the age of 5 years between 1 March 2017 and 28 February 2018. Due to difficulties in the past each child’s birth certificate and proof of address must be produced for registration. (Regarding proof of address, a council

tax bill would be required as proof of residency or copy of missives/let agreement.)

Anyone in doubt re: eligibility to attend Morningside Primary please contact the school on 01698 274938

November 25, 2016
by Mrs White

Cashless Catering System

If your child is going to be bringing in money to put on their lunch card rather than you adding money online, can we ask that you use the allocated days below for them to bring monies in (using catch up on a Friday as little as possible please). Your assistance in following this timetable will help this process to be as quick and hassle free as we can. Thank you.


Mondays – Primary 4                      Tuesdays – Primary 5

Wednesdays – Primary 6             Thursdays – Primary 7/6

Fridays – Primaries 1-3 (top up for juices etc.) + catch-up

November 25, 2016
by Mrs White

Learning Walk

Wednesday 30th November 2016


This is an ideal opportunity to not only see what your child has been learning in school, but also how they have been learning.

Within each class there will be an active lesson taking place from various aspects of the curriculum. The visits to the class are not an opportunity to discuss with the Class Teacher what is being learnt, but instead your child will lead you through their learning – looking at class wall displays, jotters etc.

There will also be a Fairtrade Café, including Primary 6 selling Fairtrade goodies as part of their Enterprise project (profits will be going to our twinning school in Ghana).

Replies should have been returned by today (Friday 25th).


Rugby Festival

November 24, 2016 by Mrs White | 0 comments

Today, some of our Primary 6 & 7 pupils represented Morningside Primary at the Rugby Festival at Ravenscraig Sports Centre.

They won all of their games and demonstrated some excellent rugby skills that had been developed at an after school club they attended last term.

The boys were also lucky enough to meet the Scotland 7’s team and see them train.

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Showcasing learning, fundraising and celebrating achievements

November 18, 2016 by Mrs White | 0 comments

What a fantastic day at Morningside Primary today!

Primary 5 performed their amazing assembly all about Brazil and wowed the staff, children and parents with their knowledge, singing and dancing.

One pupil from each class received a Confident Individual award, and we heard all about one pupil’s fantastic role as a volunteer for a local charity.

The Pupil Council ran their bake sale this afternoon and sold every last cake and biscuit, well done everyone!

We will let you all know how much we raised next week

Remember that Monday is an in-service day so children are not in school.



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