Morningside Blog

September 7, 2017
by Abigail

P3/2 and P4/3

Miss Stillie’s class have been writing about their summer holidays. Also they put all of their names into a jigsaw puzzle and put them all together. They cut out shapes of their hands and stuck them all together to make a flower.


Mrs Turnbull was teaching her class all about famous people like Neil Armstrong. They also all did self portraits.

August 29, 2017
by Miss Jones

MPS Sunflower Competition

Back in May at the Family Fun Day many of you planted a sunflower seed as part of the Morningside Primary School Sunflower Growing Competition. I hope you have all been looking after your sunflowers over the summer holidays and it is now time to submit your entry.

All you have to do is take two pictures of your sunflower:

1 – A picture with a measuring tape next to it showing the height

2 – A picture of you and your sunflower

Image result for child next to sunflower

As soon as your sunflower head is fully open take the picture before the petals begin to curl backwards. Once this happens the head may start to drop and it won’t be at its tallest.

Please tweet your entry to @MorningsidePS using the #mpssunflowercomp or you can hand the pictures into Miss Jones at the school.

Image result for twitter bird and hashtag

All entries must be tweeted or sent into the school by 18th September and the winner of the #mpssunflowercomp will be announced before September Weekend. The winner will be presented with a special prize at assembly!

Happy Measuring!


August 17, 2017
by Mrs White

Uniform and belongings

It has been wonderful to see the children looking so smart in their new school uniforms today.

Can we please ask that all items of clothing, including shoes, have your child’s name on them.

This will help reduce the large amount of lost property that is gathered on a daily basis.

We have already had a few incidents of clothes and shoes being difficult to identify today and so urge you to label absolutely everything.

Thank you for your continued support.


August 17, 2017
by Mrs White

Sun shines for MPS!

All of the staff are very happy to see our pupils return to Morningside Primary this morning. We would like to say an extra special welcome to our new Primary 1 pupils who have already settled right in and are hard at work having fun.

Primary 1 will be picked up at 2:45pm in the playground today, all other pupils will leave the school through the front gates as usual.

Remember to bring gym shoes for wearing indoors and for PE (not trainers) and a gym bag to keep on coat hooks would be most useful.

June 20, 2017
by Mrs White

Very sad news at Morningside Primary

We are extremely sad to report that we were victims to horrid vandalism at the weekend.

Vandals came into our school grounds and spread paint all over our playground, new football goals and the playground graphics we had installed with the money from our Bags of Help grant.

Bins were tipped out, salt bags were burst and poured over the car park and play ground and there was also unpleasant graffiti.

The staff and children are deeply saddened and disappointed by this incident as we have worked so hard to improve our school grounds this year.

June 15, 2017
by Mrs Lawrence

P6 Wallace and Bruce Topic

Primary 6 enjoyed their visit from Motherwell Heritage Centre specialists. They learned so much about medieval dress and weapons. They participated well in role-play situations, appreciating the artefacts from that time in history.



The topic was concluded when P6 visited Stirling Castle and The Wallace Monument where they were able to see the actual battle site of Stirling Bridge and Bannockburn. Staff and pupils braved the strong winds to appreciate the brilliant views.



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