Morningside Blog

October 25, 2017
by Mrs White

Diary Dates

The full list of diary dates will be uploaded along with the latest newsletter later this week, in the meantime here are some of the things going on at Morningside Primary in the next few weeks:

  • Halloween discos are on Monday 30th October, P1-3 5-6pm and P4-7 6:30-8pm. (Tickets £2)
  • Children In Need fundraising day inc. Spotacular dress down, is on Tuesday 14th November  (being organised by the Pupil Council, further details will be provided)
  • Photograph proofs have been given out and orders must be returned by Friday 3rd November as they are being collected by the photographer. Correct payment must be included in the envelope provided as the school is not involved in the processing of orders.
  • Anti Bullying Week is 13-17th November, see earlier post for parental online training by RespectMe

October 13, 2017
by Mrs White

Respectme courses for parents


Online Safety Workshop
10.00am – 12.00pm, Wednesday 8 November 2017, Glasgow
This workshop is designed to increase parents’ and carers’ awareness of bullying and the other risks and challenges children and young people can face online. The workshop includes a practical, hands-on session, looking at how to set and manage profiles and privacy settings on different social networking platforms, to help ensure that children and young people are safe online.

Responding to Bullying – Parents’ Workshop
2.00pm – 4.00pm, Wednesday 8 November 2017, Glasgow
This workshop is designed to increase parents’ and carers’ awareness of bullying behaviour and to look at the different ways they can respond if their child is being bullied, or is involved in the bullying of others. This workshop also offers guidance on how schools and parents can work together to create inclusive environments and provide effective support for children and young people.

To book a place, please visit our website:

Best wishes
The respectme team

October 10, 2017
by Mrs White

Christmas Fayre

We are having a Christmas Fayre on Saturday 25th November between 11am and 1pm.

Each class will be making a piece of Christmas craft to sell and raise money for school funds as part of their enterprise topic.

Stalls can be hired at £20, places will be secured on receipt of cash or cheque sent to the school office.

First come, first served.

Please contact the school if you are interested. 01698 274938

Thank you for your support.

October 9, 2017
by Mrs White

Lost Property

There is a large collection of lost property at reception.

Please check that names are on all belongings to enable swift return to items found around the school.

Infant parents – Could you also please check that your child has not accidentally come home with clothing that isn’t theirs as there is a Primary 1 blazer that has been missing for a few weeks – the name is on it.

Thank you for your help.

October 5, 2017
by Abigail

P5 Authors

P5 have just finished their book “Kaspar Prince of Cats” by Michael Morpurgo. We read this during our Titanic topic and learned so much about the sinking of the great ship. We are all creating a new title and illustration for this book. Mrs Gordon is looking forward to seeing the finished results on display.

October 5, 2017
by Arran

Learning in P6

Primary 6 are learning about a character in a book called Drina Boon who was letting rats out at the city to spread a disease. The boys and girls worked in groups to make a character on paper to understand if she was good or bad.

In maths they are learning about angles.

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