Morningside Blog

January 8, 2018
by Mrs White

Rights Week

Dear Parents,

This week is ‘Rights Week’. The children will be watching the film Paddington and will be completing activities based on the UNCRC rights. Our main aim will be to raise awareness of the rights of children, in particular refugee children. This is based on the Unicef Outright Campaign.

To raise awareness of children’s rights around the world, they will be asked to wear Unicef blue or dress up as a superhero on Friday 12th January. You could design/make your own costume or adapt an existing costume. The children will be asked to find out about one of the rights and should be able to talk about it in class.

The children will have the opportunity to take part in a school video linked to Unicef. Please let us know if you would not like them to be included in this by Tuesday 9th January.


From Mrs Molloy and Miss Cruickshank

For further information on Children’s rights

Click to access uncrcchilldfriendlylanguage.pdf

December 22, 2017
by Mrs White

Rights Week

Dear Parents,

We are planning a ‘Rights Week’ starting Monday 8th January. The children will be watching the film Paddington and will be completing activities based on the UNCRC rights. Our main aim will be to raise awareness of the rights of children, in particular refugee children. This is based on the Unicef Outright Campaign.

To raise awareness of children’s rights around the world, they will be asked to wear Unicef blue or dress up as a superhero on Friday 12th January. You could design/make your own costume or adapt an existing costume. The children will be asked to find out about one of the rights and should be able to talk about it in class.

The children will have the opportunity to take part in a school video linked to Unicef. Please let us know if you would not like them to be included in this by Tuesday 9th January.


From Mrs Molloy and Miss Cruickshank

For further information on Children’s rights

Click to access uncrcchilldfriendlylanguage.pdf

December 20, 2017
by Mrs Lawrence

P2 Christmas Literacy

For literacy this week the P2 class watched Christmas TV adverts. This included the John Lewis Man on the moon advert from 2015. All of the children had their chance to share what they thought the advert was about. After revealing the message “show someone they’re loved this Christmas” we thought it would be a nice idea to make Christmas cards for all of the residents at Morningside Care Home.


December 18, 2017
by Mrs White

Final Week Reminders

A few things to remember this week:

Primary 1 and Primary 2 Christmas Party

This will take place on Monday 18th December and hopefully a special visitor will be joining them to deliver a little gift. As with the older children, the party will take place in the afternoon, starting at 1pm. If your child is staying for lunch or is a packed lunch, members of staff can help your child to change into party clothes if required. If children are going home for lunch, the normal lunch time applies. The party will finish at 3pm.


Christmas Service

The Christmas Service will take place in Coltness Memorial Church on Wednesday, 20th December 2017 at 10am.   Arrangements have been made for staff and pupils to travel to and from the service by bus.  Parents, grandparents and friends are welcome to join us at the church and support our pupils for this festive celebration. Please be aware that children WILL NOT be dismissed from the church ALL pupils will return to the school for the remainder of the school day. As with most school outings, could all pupils please wear school uniform (white shirt and tie) on this day?


School Lunches

There will be change to the menu for the final two days of school next week.

Thursday 21st December : Fish and chips OR Pizza OR Baked Potato OR Sandwich

Friday 22nd December : Soup and sandwiches only.

(Monday – Wednesday lunches will be as per menu – Week 3)


Friday 22nd December 2017

Christmas Jumper Day, with all donations going to Save the Children.

School closes at 2.30pm for the Christmas Break.


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