Morningside Blog

Right of the Fortnight – The Right to Play and Rest


Article 31 of the UNCRC states that all children and young people under the age of 18 have the right to play and rest. Recently at a whole school assembly, we discussed how we ensure that we are respecting one another’s rights whilst enjoying our own. For this ‘Right of the Fortnight’ it would be great if you could have a go at creating your own poster display of how we can make sure we are respecting one another’s right to play and rest whilst enjoying the right ourselves.

We all have class charters which help us understand how we can access our right to an education whilst respecting everyone else’s right to learn. Therefore it would be great if we had a playground charter too. Hopefully we can use the ideas from any posters about Article 31 to create a playground charter that we can all agree on.

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