Primary 7/6 have had a great day focussing on learning outdoors! We have used the outdoor space around our school to enhance our learning in Maths, Literacy and Problem Solving. Here are some examples of what we got up to!
Den Building
Check out our learning conversations here! —> IMG_0106
Compass Points and Directions
Using a compass app on the iPads the boys and girls worked as partners to create a set of directions that would navigate others around the playground. The recorded these using the notes app on the iPads too!
Literacy: Imaginative Writing
We used our playground environment as inspiration for our latest piece of imaginative writing…Honey I Shrunk Primary 7/6!
In pairs the children investigated the school grounds and used iPads to take pictures of settings that they could use in their stories. They used the notes app to insert the pictures and note down ideas and then shared these with their peers. We are hoping to share some examples of our finished work with you soon!