Tag Archives: Literacy

Learning in Room 6!

This week we have had so much fun learning our spelling and phonics words. We used paint to practice fine motor skills and spell at the same time.

In Maths we have been learning number bonds and counting within 100. We used lots of active games and hands on practice to improve our skills.

In IDL we were researching the people who live in the Rainforest and found out that they often paint their faces or bodies during celebrations. This inspired us to make our own masks in Art.


R6RedRose – iPhone

Learning update from Room 6!

Food & Nutrition

What a tasty start to the week.  We tasted four different kinds of cheeses.  Some we liked and some we weren’t so keen on!  Our favourite was Brie!


In P.E. we have been learning new skills.  We have been learning to throw and catch accurately.  We kept trying even when it was tricky.


We have been writing sentences using this weeks phonemes ‘qu’ & ‘ai’.

Health & Wellbeing

We have been learning about cookers and how to stay safe. We cook with the hob, we make toast in the grill and cakes in the oven.