Tag Archives: Disco

HT Update – 20.3.23

Sustrans – Big Walk & Wheel 20 – 31 March 2023

Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel is the UK’s largest walking, wheeling, scooting and cycling challenge. It inspires pupils to make active journeys to school, improve air quality in their neighbourhood and discover how these changes benefit their world.

It’s more important now than ever to travel actively. Active travel is a great way to build physical activity into children’s daily routine. It helps them arrive to school  more relaxed and alert, and is great for their mental wellbeing too.

On each day of the challenge schools compete to see who can record the greatest number of pupils walking, using a wheelchair, scooting or cycling to school.

A school’s best five days will determine their final position and schools at the top of their leaderboards will receive an exclusive Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel Cerificate.

All schools will be entered into daily prize draws for  rewards if over 15% of your school takes part on each day of the challenge. Prizes up for grabs include accessories and equipment to help your school travel actively.

Leave the car at home and join us in active travel to school.

Reminder – Orbiston Community Hub

Community Open Event – Wednesday 22nd March at 6.30pm

Please see PDF below for details of a Community Event which will take place on Wednesday 22nd March at 6.30pm. Everyone Welcome.

Members of NLC and the design team will be able to answer any questions you may have.  Orbiston_Community_Hub.pdf

Comic Relief – Red Nose Day

Thank you to everyone who donated or bought a cake for Comic Relief. We made an amazing £214.51 for Comic Relief.


A huge congratulation to Mss Megan Krausen and her husband Peter who have welcomed the beautiful Lottie on 7th March. Congratulations from everyone at Lawmuir PS.

Easter Bonnet/Hat Competition

Friends of Lawmuir PTA Easter Raffle

3 Easter Hampers up for grabs. Tickets available from the school office via your child’s class teacher.  The draw will take place on Friday 31st March at Assembly.

Friends of Lawmuir PTA Easter Disco – 30th March

  • P1-P4 6pm – 7pm
  • P5-P7 7pm – 8pm

£3 per person or £5 per family

Ticket includes Goodie bag of sweets, drink & crisps.

Children will receive a ‘getting home’ slip with their disco ticket. If you can please fill this in and return to the school office. Pupils in P1-3 should be collected by an adult.

Upcoming Diary Dates:

  • Wednesday 22nd March – New Build Team in School
  • Community Event – Lawmuir PS @6.30pm
  • Friday 25th March – P1 Health Checks (NHS in school)
  • Thursday 30th March – Parent Council Easter Disco (see flyer)
  • Friday 31st March – School Closes at 2.30pm
  • Friday 31st March- Tuesday 18th April – Spring/Easter Holidays – School closed

HT Update 7th November

Right of the Month – NovemberLink to film – https://youtu.be/kni91fHqi50

Story link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fU9BwWXzsS4

___________________________________________________________________________iPay Cashless System

  • Payments should be made via iPay Impact whenever possible.
  • Please check your child’s account regularly to make sure he/she has enough money for school dinners.

If you need any help, please email: onlineschoolpayments@northlan.gov.uk


NLC Football Festival P6-7

Pupils from Primary 6 & 7 had a fantastic time at the North Lanarkshire Active Schools football festival this week. Well done to everyone who took part. A special thank you to Mr McDonald for coaching our boys team and Ricky Waddell from Caledonian Braves who came along to provide support and advice.


Improving Attendance

Improving attendance is part of our school improvement plan and a focus for all the schools in the Bellshill Academy Cluster.

The target for North Lanarkshire’s Schools for attendance is 95%.

Last session our average attendance was 90%.

We hope to improve this by 3% this session.

Schools in our cluster will be:

  • Reviewing attendance for each year group every month.
  • Contacting parents/carers of those children whose attendance is below average.
  • Working with partners to support families with children who regularly miss school.

Parents and Carers are asked to co-operate by:

  • Keeping planned absences to a minimum during term time (holidays/appointments etc).
  • Ensure that pupils arrive on time for school.
  • Contact the school as soon as possible to advise of any absences.

__________________________________________________________________________Parents Meetings – Thursday 24th November.

Parents Meetings will take place on Thursday 24th November between 3pm – 8pm.

Bookings can be made from Monday 7th November.

You should have received information on how to book an appointment. If you have any difficulty please contact the school office between 10pm – 2pm.


Parent Council Update

Halloween Disco

Our Parent Council Halloween Disco was a great success. Everyone had a fantastic time and the costumes were all excellent. Thank you to all the parents who helped make the event such a success. Have a look on the website for more photos from the night. The Parent Council raised a massive £637, which will be used to fund events in school for pupils.


Halloween Raffle

Our Parent Council Halloween Raffle was picked at assembly last week. Well done to our winners, Grace and Amelia!

Lunch Menu This Week

NLC Primary School Menu

All children in Nursery to Primary 5 receive a free meal. Parents/carers of children in Primary 6 and Primary 7 who may be eligible for a free school meal can find more information here.


‘Friends of Lawmuir’ Disco

Last night’s disco was the first event of the year ran by ‘Friends of Lawmuir’ PTA.Everyone really seemed to enjoy themselves with lots of fun, dancing and many prize winners.

Thank you to all the parents and staff who volunteered to come along and make the night a huge success.

Take a look at the photos below.