Category Archives: Primary 7

Health Fortnight

Health Fortnight is running from Monday 18th until Thursday 26th May. Everyone is looking forward to all the exciting things we have planned.

In class over the fortnight pupils will take part in healthy cooking sessions, lessons on Internet safety, substance misuse and relationships, sexual health and parenthood lessons appropriate to their age and stage.

Lots of parents are getting involved too, volunteering their time to come and talk about their jobs. Each class will have a visit from a parent. Get your questions ready boys and girls.

Here are all the other activities that are planned

Monday 18th May

Dance Workshops – Room 1, 2, 3, 6 and 12

Bella, the static cow – All children will have a chance to visit and milk the cow!

Tuesday 19th May

Rugby Workshop – Rooms 9, 13, 15 and 16

Tesco Farm to Fork Visit – Room 3

Wednesday 20th May

Tae Kwon Do Workshops – Rooms 5, 7, 14, 17 and 10

Tesco Farm to Fork Visit – Room 6

High Five for Fruit workshops – Rooms 1 and 2

Parent Healthy Cooking Sessions with Dorothy-Anne Ardrey

Thursday 21st May

Sports Day (Weather permitting)

Tesco Farm to Fork Visit – Room 14

Tuesday 26th May

Tesco Farm to Fork Visit – Room 12

Warburtons Healthy Food Workshops – Room 5 and 7

Wednesday 27th May

Tesco Farm to Fork Visit – Room 13

Thursday 28th May

Tesco Farm to Fork Visit – Room 17




Remember to bring your P.E. kit.

It’s going to be a very busy and healthy fortnight!

Numeracy Day – Open Afternoon!

Parents, carers and friends joined us in class this afternoon to share what we have been learning in Numeracy and Maths. They also took part in some of our numeracy and maths activities.

Even more fun was to be had in the assembly hall, with special problem solving challenges.

After using all that brain power, our visitors really needed some refreshments, luckily Mrs Malcolm and Mrs Phillips were on hand with a supply of much needed tea, coffee and biscuits.

We hope all our visitors had a great time learning with us!

Let us know what you thought of our Numeracy Open Afternoon by leaving a comment!  Use the “How To Add A Comment” tab at the top of the page to find out how to tell us what you think.

Many more photos to follow! Keep checking for updates from class cameras.

Eggs, Eggs, Eggs!

Today we have had lots of Easter fun. Most of it has involved eggs, boiled and chocolate!

We have had lots of fun in class looking at all the decorated eggs as part of our competition, teachers found it very difficult to decide on the winning design. Some classes went outside to roll their eggs in the playground to see who could roll the farthest and we have had an Easter Egg Hunt in school, if you were lucky enough to find a paper egg hidden around school then you could trade it for a chocolate one!


Here are some photos of our fun filled day. Happy Easter!

Congratulations to the winner of our Easter Egg Raffle, Kyle!
