Category Archives: Primary 7

Important Information – Collecting Your Child After Panto Visit

Collecting your child from school after the visit to the Panto at Motherwell Theatre

On Friday 27th November the whole school will be going to see “Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs” at Motherwell Concert Hall and Theatre. We are booked for the afternoon performance, which starts at 1.15pm and lasts approximately 2 hours 30 mins. We should return around 4.45pm onwards however we have 7 buses coming back therefore it will be extremely busy.

In order to ensure the safety of all pupils I would ask that you read the following information and follow the procedures for picking up your child from 4.45pm onwards

  • Please do not park on Footfield Road, near the school, as this will delay the buses from dropping off children. 
  • There will be no crossing patrol on return to school, therefore I would advise that all children be collected from inside the school building.
  • No child will be dismissed without an adult until all the buses have returned. 
  • Only 1 adult should come into the building to collect child/ren.

Buses will need to exit from Footfield Road via Busby Road, please do not block this corner or the buses will not be able to turn to exit and this will create further congestion.


  1. Parents should park well away from the school.   Please note there will be no access to the staff car park.
  2. Buses will drive along Footfield Road and stop outside the school to let the children get off the bus, all children will come back into school.
  3. No child will be dismissed from the bus or outside of the school
  4. All children will come back inside the school and go to their class with their teacher.
  5. In order to minimise the number of adults in the building I would ask that only 1 adult comes inside to collect your child/ren.
  6. Adults collecting child/ren are welcome to wait in the school hall but please be aware that this will be extremely busy. Please take a seat in the hall, do not stand in reception as this will block children coming into the building.
  7. Once your child’s bus / class have returned an announcement will be made in the school hall asking the adult waiting to go to the identified area / class to pick up their child/ren. Please follow the directions from staff and parent helpers.
  8. Where you have more than 1 child in school, I have arranged for your child/ren to go the class of the youngest child in your family, so that you can collect all your children together. There may be a delay where some buses have not yet returned and therefore you are asked to be patient and wait in the appropriate class /area along with your youngest child and staff.
  9. Pupil exits will be open to allow adults and children to exit the building, walk through the playground and leave via pupil entrance gates. The infant and senior playgrounds are floodlit however the back gate will not be open, as there are no lights to this area.

I would ask that you take great care in crossing the roads in and around the school on your way home.

Please complete and return the slip on the letter by Wednesday 25th November indicating the adult who will collect your child/ren.

Where you choose to give permission for your child to walk home alone, please note that s/he will not be dismissed until all of the buses have returned, as there is no crossing patrol in place.

 Procedures above are to ensure that all of our children are dismissed safely into the care of the identified adult collecting them.

I would like to thank you in advance for your co-operation and patience, I know that this is a busy time of year and that many of you have other commitments, return times are dependent on traffic, weather conditions and everyone’s co-operation in following procedures.

If you have any questions regarding this event please contact the school directly.


The information above is taken from the PantoParentalInfoLetter which was sent home in school bags Monday 23rd November. Additional copies can be downloaded here.


Snapshot Jotter – Feedback from Parents

Snapshot Jotters have been shared with parents during the first term.  Thank you so much to everyone who commented so positively on their childs work. Below we have shared a selection of comments from parents.

“We loved getting Clara’s snapshot jotter home to look at. We went through it with her and she told us all about her work and what she had been learning. She rarely tells us what she has been doing in school. It is great to see the progress she has made in the few weeks she has been attending school” – (Clara’s Mum)

‘Fantastic Work Macey.  Can’t believe how well Macey is doing in such a short time since starting school. This jotter is a great idea because it gives you a good insight to the work they do.’ (Macey’s Mum)

‘Maci has shown great work. She has good drawing and writing skills and has shown good numerical work also. So proud of Maci and her achievements so far.’ – Margaret Brown (Maci’s Mum)

“Ellie seems to be doing really well with all her class work. The different subjects this year seem to be more challenging for her but she is coping well. I think the traffic lights is a good idea. Keep working hard Ellie!” (Ellie’s Mum)

‘I have enjoyed looking at how Louise’s work is improving.  She continues to make good progress and her confidence is growing.  Keep up the good work Louise!’ – Margaret McIntyre (Louise’s Mum)

‘Molly has always been very keen though out her time at Lawmuir to do extra work outside school.  This year, she has worked even harder and this has been seen through her homework and this snapshot jotter (excellent idea).  Extremely proud of Molly and I want to pass on my thanks to her teacher and Lawmuir for all their help. Fantastic!” – Wendy (Molly’s Mum)

Lucie puts in effort when completing any  tasks in the jotter. It shows me if she has any issues that she should work on more. J Rooney

“Lovely work in Kenzie’s snapshot jotter again. Kenzie loved his recent Viking topic on the Vikings and had great fun making his Viking longboat.”  (Kenzie Mum)

‘Very pleased with my child’s progress and how well her writing is coming on. This is excellent work!’

“Very pleased with my child’s progress and how well her writing is coming on.  This is excellent work.  I particularly liked his storytelling and I can see good progression through the years.  He has improved a lot in the past year and hope he continues to do so.  A big thanks to the staff at Lawmuir.”

“Caitlin’s work has progressed in so many ways and I am impressed she has done so well and I am also impressed with the work that has been done” mum

“Pleased to see Kaitlyn is doing well and continuing to improving her work.  I liked how she used her imagination in the magic key story. I liked her drawing of David & Goliath”

“So far I’m really impressed by my daughter’s work. So proud of Alexandria.Clever wee girl. She’s a credit to me, her big sister, nanny, papa and other members of the family.” (Alexandria’s mum)

Dates for you – Christmas Parties

Screen shot 2015-11-17 at 10.19.30All Christmas parties take place during the school day, on the afternoon of the date give, from 1.20pm – 3pm.

Children can be collected by an adult, to get changed for their party from 12 noon on the day of their party. We are not able to release pupils early otherwise.

Screen shot 2015-11-17 at 10.20.49

Christmas Party dates below:

Room 3 & Room 6 – Monday 7th December

Room 14 & Room 17 – Tuesday 8th December

Room 12 & Room 13 –  Thursday 10th December

Room 9, Room 10 & Room 16 – Friday 11th December

Room 5 & Room 7 – Monday 14th December

Room 1 & Room 2 – Thursday 17th December

Room 7 Active Maths

We are learning about different ways to calculate averages: the mean, median and mode.

Here are some of our favourite activities:

Ceanne – Go Bust!

Amy – Go Bust!

Emma – Go Bust!

Lucy – Dice Averages!

Abbie – Dice Averages!

Genna – What Did I Buy!

Jay – Football Averages!

Molly – Dealing Cards!