Category Archives: Alert

HT Update – 26th September 2022

September Weekend

Friday 23rd September – Monday 26th September 2022

School Closed for the Holiday weekend.

Building Resilience

Resilience is a key factor in protecting and promoting good mental health. This whole-school programme aims to look at ten different things that can help support children to develop resilience.

The programme will run over a three-year period. Each theme is introduced with a launch assembly and the key messages are followed up in class activities and at follow-up assemblies. A parent and carer information leaflet will be provided for each theme.

How you can help:

Each theme has a ‘Talk It Over’ section to encourage you to share some of your life’s learning with your child. There is also a related ‘Home Activity’ to support learning at home.

Our first leaflet can be found at the end of this newsletter.

Open Afternoons

Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended our Open afternoons. What a great turn out! It was so lovely to see the community back in school, sharing in our learning.

Here are a very small collection of some of the lovely comments left in our Golden Book:

‘Great to see all the work going on in class. Keep up the great work. You’re all superstars.’

R1 Parent

‘What a beautiful classroom. I loved seeing everyone work.’

R17 Parent

 ‘Thank you for inviting me into your classroom to see all your wonderful hard work and beautiful pictures. You’re doing really well. Keep up the great work. You are making us all proud.’

R2 Parent

Lunch Menu

Week Beginning 26th September 2022 – Week 1

NLC Primary School Menu

All children in Nursery to Primary 5 receive a free meal. Parents/carers of children in Primary 6 and Primary 7 who may be eligible for a free school meal can find more information here.

Harvest Donations

To help support families in our local community this Winter. We would really appreciate your support in donating any of the following items over the month of September.

  • Tinned products e.g. meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, soup
  • Dried Rice, Noodles, pasta
  • Instant Coffee, Tea bags and  Diluting juice
  • Custard, Jams and Spreads


Donations can be sent to the school office please.

Reminder – Health & Wellbeing Bank

We have set up in school a health and wellbeing toiletry bank to support our families who are finding the rise in the cost of living expenses very difficult.

If you need any toiletries for your family please send a text or email to the school office

We will then be in touch to arrange collection.

  • We stock the following items;
  • Toothbrushes, Toothpaste
  • Deodorants
  • Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap and Shower Gel
  • Sponges and Hair Accessories

HT Update – 19th September

Bank Holiday – Monday 19 September 2022

Following the announcement that the day of the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II on Monday 19 September 2022 is to be a bank holiday, all schools and early learning establishments will be closed as a mark of respect.

 Queen Elizabeth II

We were all saddened to hear the news on Thursday of the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.

Just this week, we took receipt of a free book for each child in P1-7 as a memento of her Platinum Jubilee year.  We have decided to still issue these to the children and they will be sent home on Friday.  In the circumstances, I’m sure many children will appreciate this special memento.

Karate Taster – Wednesday 14th September

All pupils enjoyed the Karate taster sessions this week.  Pupils worked really hard. There were lots and lots of red faces at the end of the lessons. Take a look on twitter for some photos. Information below for anyone who would like to find out more.

P7 Open Afternoon

Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended our P7 open afternoon. What a great turn out! It was so lovely to see the community back in school, sharing in our learning.

 Lunch Menu Week Beginning 19th September 2022

There are some changes to the School Menu next week.

Tuesday 20th September

Red                  Reef Wrap- Fish Fingers in a warm wrap with mayonnaise and vegetable sticks

Green              Fishless Fingers Wrap with BBQ sauce and carrot sticks. (VE)

Yellow             Chicken Mayonnaise and sweetcorn pasta with vegetable sticks and salad.

Blue                 Sandwich & Soup of the Day – Ham/Cheese.

Wednesday 21st September

Menu as normal

Thursday 22nd September

Special Menu TBC – This will be emailed once confirmed by Catering Staff.

NLC Primary School Menu

All children in Nursery to Primary 5 receive a free meal. Parents/carers of children in Primary 6 and Primary 7 who may be eligible for a free school meal can find more information here.

Harvest Donations

To help support families in our local community this Winter. We would really appreciate your support in donating any of the following items over the month of September.

  • Tinned products e.g. meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, soup
  • Dried Rice, Noodles, pasta
  • Instant Coffee, Tea bags and  Diluting juice
  • Custard, Jams and Spreads

Donations can be sent to the school office please.

Health & Wellbeing Bank

We have set up in school a health and wellbeing toiletry bank to support our families who are finding the rise in the cost of living expenses very difficult.

If you need any toiletries for your family please send a text or email to the school office

We will then be in touch to arrange collection.

  • We stock the following items;
  • Toothbrushes, Toothpaste
  • Deodorants
  • Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap and Shower Gel
  •  Sponges and Hair Accessories

Allergy Information – Nut Free School

Please do not send your child to school with items that contain nuts. This includes chocolate spreads such as Nutella & other brands.

We have children in the school who are allergic.

Head Lice

Head lice can be an ongoing problem for primary schools. We recommend that parents/carers check their child’s hair regularly and follow the NHS Inform guidance which can be found at:


Please do not send these to school for tuck. These can be dangerous when playing in the playground. Pupils may be bumped or it could be a chocking hazard.

Reminder – Virtual Sleep Workshops – Wednesday 21st September

Educational Psycology Service is running a series of Healthy Sleep Habits for Children workshops. The first session is on Wednesday 21st September from 1.15pm – 2.45pm. If you wish to join in this session you should register, please click on the link below

More Information

Reminder – Open Afternoon

P1 – 6 – Wednesday 21st September

Parents and carers are welcome to visit their child’s class between 2pm – 3pm on the dates above.  This is a chance for your child to show you their classroom, some of their jotter work and also meet the teacher. Teachers will be unable to discuss individual children in detail or address any concerns at this time.

Flu Vaccine – Update

School is closed on Monday 19th September due to the Death of Her Majesty the Queen.

This is when Flu vaccines should have been given at Lawmuir PS.

All Pupils who have returned a consent form will now be given their flu vaccine on Thursday 15th September.