All posts by Ms Paterson

Primary 1 get Measuring!

We have been measuring length. We have been comparing long and short objects. We have used cubes, paper clips and our hand spans to measure a variety of objects in and around the school. We then compared these results to the estimates we made.

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P1 Creative Thinking Hats Are On

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P1 have began researching good structures and discussed the use of different ways of constructing a water area outdoors for recycling water. They have came up with a variety of quality designs using plastic milk and juice bottles. They have put careful thought into the water flow and how it will feed from rain water collection to our collecting buckets. We welcome any donations to help structure our water area. Ask the children about some of the things we might use and recycle to help show care for our environment. They also highlighted the ways we waste water and take it for granted. The children are gaining an awareness of respecting people without this luxury.

Sustainable Learning – Looking after our World

Primary one have been beginning to learn about ways we can help care for our community and show respect towards our world both its environment and its people. Following from the work carried out on litter and waste. They are now considering water; its uses, how it is wasted and are considering how difficult clean water access can be in developing countries. They are planning to create areas outdoors to show we can reuse and recycle our water. And created posters for parents on a bid to collect resources to set up these outdoor learning areas.


P1 Active Money Stations

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Primary One are working on their money skills. They are adding 1p, 2p and 5p coins. They are remembering to use their magic tapping strategies. And are working towards paying for their own sweets in the shops at the weekends. Well done P1!

P1-3 Old Playground Games

Primary one have worked with P2/3 to learn more about the games children would play in the 1940s. They reflected on video clips and stories by writing about the games they learned about. And also got act these out together in groups. They have learned and enjoyed games such as skipping rhyme games, hopscotch, five stones and many more toy associated games eg yoyos and marbles.

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