Writing Crime

 Class 2.2 are now studying crime fiction and are looking forward to creating their own imaginative short story. They have been exploring what makes an effective short story: plot, characterisation, setting, narrative and, of course, a twist in the tale!

Class 2.2 have also watched episodes of CSI to help inspire our writing and have been using library time to research true-crime and how police and forensics carry out their investigations. 


Greatest Briton Project

Every pupil is given the name of a British person considered to be a ‘Great Briton’. Their challenge is to research this person and then deliver a solo talk that will persuade their classmates that their person really is the greatest! After everyone has presented, we will vote for the person we think is the Greatest Briton based on the information given and how well the person persuaded us! Good Luck! 



Holocaust Memorial Day 2011

‘Holocaust Memorial Day – 27 January – is a time to remember those who have been murdered in the Holocaust and under Nazi persecution, in Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda and Darfur. On HMD we act to learn the lessons of the past to create a safer, better future.’

Please show your support for HMD2011 by lighting the memorial candle at: http://www.hmd.org.uk/

State of Emergency

State of Emergency is a dynamic, interactive, cross curricular experience for S2 pupils delivered by Visible Fictions via Glow. Clyde Valley High school is one of only eight schools in Scotland chosen to take part in this exciting new project!

So what’s it all about?
We are faced with images of war in the media everyday but do we take the time to understand why conflict happens?  With so many opposing views and situations to take into account, trying to make sense of it is daunting.

State of Emergency will begin to tackle these dilemmas using theatre arts  to bring the stories of war to life.  Via Glow, pupils will watch live online ‘webisodes’ which will they will use to explore and debate the issues surrounding war.

State of Emergency will address big questions, many of which there will be no answer to, but the journey of trying to make sense of our world will be both insightful and exciting.

Remember to look out for:
‘Clyde Valley’s State of Emergency Blog’
Coming soon to a computer near you!

Well Done Bloggers!

I would just like to say how thrilled I am to see so many of you using our new blog! The comments you have left have been very enjoyable to read and given me a real insight into what you guys like (and sometimes don’t like) about English. I can then use this information to help me plan our future lessons and make English fun for everyone! So…keep blogging!