6 thoughts on “Star of the Month – October

  1. Heey Miss Donoughue. Is it on Monday im reading out my solo talk?
    excited 馃檪 but embarrassed….Claire well done on your solo talk you taught me lots and you were very confident. 馃榾

  2. Hi Rebecca! It’s good to hear from you. Yes, solo-talks will continue on Monday. I’m very pleased that peer-assessing has helped you. Everyone has been great so far – and you will be to! Miss Donoughue 馃檪

  3. Thank you Miss Donoughue but i need to be more confident. I hope I get you as a teacher for second year.

  4. Miss Donoughue,you are a great teacher and I want you to be my teacher in second year because it seems Im well behaved in your class because the work is good for me and I like my english teacher. Please can I have you as a teacher for 2nd year :)!

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