To celebrate National Poetry Day 2013, Clyde Valley High held a poetry competition for S1 pupils. This year National Poetry Day was sponsored by Scottish Water and the theme was, unsurprisingly, Water.
During library period each S1 English class discussed poetry techniques, the theme of water and listened to a recording of poet, Diana Hendry, reciting, “What is the Pond Doing?”. Pupils were then set the task of writing their own Water poem. The standard of work was very high and the two most descriptive and imaginative poems from each S1 English class were chosen to be judged by Mrs Cimmino, Acting PT of English. Mrs Cimmino chose Iona Orr’s poem as the overall, and very deserving, winner. For her book prize, Iona requested a copy of the latest edition of, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.
Winner – Iona Orr, 1C2
Elizabeth Hendrie, 1C2, Shannon Sirrell, 1C1, Lewis O’Neill, 1C1, David Kennedy, 1S1, Jade Purcell, 1S1, Amy Stewart, 1H1, Porsha Fitzpatrick, 1H1
A display of the S1 pupils’ poems is on show in the English corridor.
Water by Iona Orr
Dancing in the moonlight,
Shining like the stars,
Glistening with the sight of the sun,
Water takes you far,
You sit for ages watching it,
As it stares back at you,
Until the sight of your face goes blurry,
And the river sweeps you through.
well done Iona and Jade