Library period book blogs, 2.4


Hello 2.4,

This blog has been created to allow you to record your book reviews. In this way you can let Miss Daly and Miss McGough know if you’ve enjoyed a book and what it was about the book that made you respond in this way. Even if you’ve found a book dull or boring you can write a review revealing why you found it dull. By writing book reviews you will be advising your class mates of which books are fun and exciting to read, which books are a bit more tricky, or which books are extremely dull!  

Book reviews are the opinion of one person and so it should be remembered that one person’s cup of tea is not necessarily another person’s cup of tea. 

Miss Daly and Miss McGough will read your book reviews and reply to them. You can even reply to each others’ reviews…so let’s get blogging!

47 thoughts on “Library period book blogs, 2.4”

  1. Mosi’s War is written by Cathy mcphall
    Mosi’s War is about a boy called Patrick who sees someone ‘jumping’ off the roof of a building everyone thinks that it was just another one of the asylum seekers committing suicide but little did everyone in the city know that wasn’t going to be only mysterious death.
    Mosi tells Patrick about when he was forced to join the army and fight to survive and the worst man in the planet was about to come to Glasgow but no one knew who he was apart from Mosi….

    1. Hello Linzi,

      I’ll need to read Mosi’s War. Your review makes the story sound exciting and I like your use of ellipsis in the final sentence. You have ended on a cliffhanger and it makes me want to find out all about “the worst man on the planet”.

      Miss McGough 🙂

  2. Burnt By Anthony Horowitz

    Hello, my name is Lewis Craghill and I have been reading “Burnt” by Anthony Horowitz. The book has three stories in it some disgusting the first one is called Burnt and it’s when a school boy goes on holiday with his aunt and uncle because his mother is pregnant. His dad won’t take him because he is baby mad and won’t go incase his mother goes into labor. The second book is about a monkey’s ear when the Beakers family go to Marrakech and they buy a lucky monkey’s ear with four wishes but then it goes terribly wrong. The third story in the book is about man who kills people and put a couple of pages in the book and then he explains what’s happening

    1. Hi Lewis,

      Anthony Horowitz’s short story books are always a great read. He is one of the most popular authors in the school library. Next time you visit the library have a look through the “H” section: H for Horowitz – H for Horror! and see what you find lying there…
      🙁 !!!!

  3. Hello,my name is Courtney Anderson and for my private reading I have been reading ”Fear Street The Stepsisters’ by R.L Stine. It is a very good novel and it is about two sisters and their dad who died at a lake because the boat had flipped and their names are Nancy and Emily. Nancy had blamed Emily for her fathers death and they get a new stepsister living with them and Nancy does all these mad thing such as locking Emily in the bath room and starting a fire and putting bleach in her shampoo and made her hair go orange. When Nancy was doing this stuff she blamed the stepsister so Emily believed her. The Stepsister was called Jessie and she was a nice girl .If you want to hear more get the book out the library.

  4. Blackout written by Robert Swindeus
    Blackout is about a group of children going to find things in a cave and while they are in the cave it caves in. The four children were in this cave for about 48 hours without any food and only a tiny suply of water to keep them going, in the end they got out and went back to their normal lifes. I really enjoyed this book and i think more people should read it.

    1. Hello Chelsea,

      Blackout sounds as if it would be a good read and full of suspense. Will or won’t the children survive the cave-in?

      I’m glad you enjoyed the read and after reading your review I will encourage more pupils to read Robert Swindells books.

      🙂 🙂

  5. Hello my name is Megan McLelland and the book i have been reading is “Never A Hero To Me” by Tracy Black. The book i am going to tell you about is a 5 year old inocent girl how her mother was hospitalised for the first many years and she was in care of her father who was an agresive, mean, dangerous man hes just not a nice person a wouldn’t like him… If you would like to hear more about this book or want to read this book go to Miss McGough’s Libary.

  6. Book review-eleven eleven

    ‘Eleven Eleven’ is set during the final 24 hours before the war ended. At 11 a.m. on 11th November 1918.
    The story has 3 main characters who are a German trooper, an American airman and a British Tommy .They all have to fight on the western front. But who won’t see the end of the day?

    Eleven Eleven is a really good action book with an interesting story. I would rate this book an 8 out of 10

    1. Hello Stephen,

      Eleven, Eleven is a fantastic read. It was very clever of the author, Paul Dowswell, to use more than one narrator for the book. That way we get to read of the WW1 experiences of soldiers from different countries.It’s a very thought provoking book.

      Have you read, War Horse?

      Miss McGough 🙂

  7. stormbreaker
    antoney horowits
    this book is about a young boy how becomes a spy after his uncle dies at first he thinks his uncle died in a car crush but he soon finds out the truth.
    i would recomend this book to any budy who likes a thrilling book then get this book

  8. Beast Quest The Dark Realm
    Adam Blade
    This book is about a boy called Tom & a girl called Elenna. They are trying to save a good Beasts but then they get stopped by a Minotaur called Torgor. So the main character (Tom) has a horse called storm. And Elenna has a wolf called silver. They both enjoy defeating the evil wizard Malvel.

    1. Jay,

      there are a number of Beast Quest books in the library for you to read. Have you read many or was this your first one? If you want to keep reading the series then why not keep a book blog of all the Beast Quest books you read.

      Miss McGough 🙂

    Divided City is set in Glasgow. This book is about a boy called Joe and a boy called Graham. Graham is a protestant and Joe is a catholic so they like different things and they like different football teams. Graham’s granddad wants him to take part in the Orange walk but Graham is worried that if he takes part Joe will fall out with him. The main characters in this book are Graham and Joe.

  10. I was reading ‘I Did Tell, I did’ by Cassie Harte. Cassie Harte has wrote 2 books which are ‘I Did Tell, I Did’ and ‘Nobody Told Me’. The book was about a family that loved their children but 1. The mum hated Cassie but loved her brothers and sisters, she used to call her names and say she’s unwanted. She lived with her dad, mum, 3 sisters, 1 brother and a dog but the dad that she lived with wasn’t her billogical father. The man who done nasty things with her was her real father. She grew up and had a really hard time she had 2 children boy and a girl and she had to put the boy up for adoption. She got married twice and divorsed once. Her son and daughter was from different dads. The main character of this book is Cassie, I liked that she tried to get along with her mum but her mum just shouted at her and she was fighting through to try and get her son back but they wouldn’t give her him back. I didn’t dislike anything about her she was a nice, caring person. Tom (her brother) was the one I liked most because when she needed someone to talk to he was always there for her. I liked reading about someone childhood that had been really bad but then it was a bit upsetting at parts.

  11. I was reading The Hunger Games ‘mocking jay’ by Suzanne Collins, which is the third hunger games book. Suzanne Collins has also wrote the books ‘Gregor And The Overlander’, ‘Year Of The Jungle’ and ’When Charlie Mcbutton Lost Power’. You really need to read the first 2 books before you read this one. This book is about a girl whose home is destroyed in district 12 so she has to move to district 13. The president of the capital is trying to destroy every district but can’t quite destroy district 13 as it is under ground. The girl then decides she wants to destroy the capital but will she be able to without the president killing her….
    The girl is the main character her name is Katness Everdeen I like the way she is determined to do things but she never takes orders from anyone else. My favourite character was Katness because of her determination to get things done. I liked all of the book there isn’t really a part of it I disliked. I would recommend this book to any of my friends as it is an adventure novel and that is the type of books we read.

    1. Hello Lisa,

      The Hunger Games books are a rip roaring read! I loved them. It’s so good to get a series of books where, once you’ve finished one book, you can’t wait to get your hands on the next installment.

      That’s the thrill of good books.

      Miss McGough 🙂

    This book is about Lester Donovan in the navy. His friends get captured by the Taliban. But he does not give up.

  13. Beast Quest
    Adam Blade
    Beast Quest is a book about a boy and a girl called Tom and Elenna. They are trying to save good beasts but they get stopped by an evil wizard called MALVEL. He gets one of the dragons and tom has to fight to get it back. The main characters are Tom and Elenna.

  14. Beast Quest Hector The Body Shifter
    By Adam Blade
    This Beast Quest is about a sea monster that can body shift in to animals, The two main Tom & Elenna will Battle any beast that the village will need help battleing. At the end of the book Tom & Elenna defeted the beast, all the animals that the beast could shape shift in to came crolling out of he fox fure.
    Over all the beast quest series is a great book to read if you like fantacie theme books i would recormend this book to you.

  15. The magic puppy by sue Bentley

    The magic puppy is a really good book. This book is one of the ones I would read because I like animals I’m an animal lover if you are an animal lover then this is the book for you. I’m only going to tell you a little bit about this book and you can read the breast your-self.

    This book is about a magic puppy from a different world and he lands on earth and meets a girl called Freya and the dog is called storm. Storm is a sheep dog but when he uses is power he becomes a …
    …Freya is shocked by it that the dog can talk and do magical things and she asks her mum to keep him she says yes but they had to go to the vet to see if he had flees or any disease but he didn’t but unfortunately he had to… find the rest out for your self

    Magic puppy school of mischief

    claire forrest.

  16. DIARY of a Wimpy Kid THE LAST STRAW
    Jeff Kinney

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid tells the stories of Greg Heffley and his hard times of growing up.
    He think the whole world is out to get him but really there just trying to help.

  17. Section 20 is a ok book it is a boy named Alex who lives in East Berlin. The cold war is happening and he and his family are not to leave. But the longer he stays the more danger he is in.

    The stasi have been watching him. Alex is told that further education will be blocked to him. His summer job is mysteriously cancelled, and friends begin avoiding him. His parents start to realise that leaving the East may be the only way left for them to do but getting across the Wall is nearly impossible And even if Alex and his family make it to the other side, will they be able to escape the reach of the Stasi?

    One wrong move will make him and his family lives totally change.

  18. The Hunger Games

    Suzzanne Collins

    I read mockenjay it’s the last book in the hunger games book’s really enjoyed the mockenajay and it was a good book. Its about Katniss everdeen who agrees to become the mockenjay and help take down the capitol. They were living in district 13 wich supposedly was burnt to the ground by the capitol in the dark days but they built it underneath. The capitol burned district 12 and only a few surivered including Gale, Prim and katnisses mum.
    The rebellion started after katniss blew up the areana in the last hunger games book. Petta and Johanna were captured by the capitol but they got them back but the capitol hijacked peetas brain and made him want to kill katniss. They finally got him back.
    At the end the capitol kill prim and katniss shoots the president of dictric 13. She kills president snow and makes sure there is a rose over his heart he wears it because his breath smells of blood.

    Finnick marries Annie. But finick is killed in the war. Katniss marries petta and they have 2 children.

    The last book was really good. But sometimes in the book it was hard to read some of the words and was a bit confusing at times

    by linzi penman

  19. The Hunger Games; Catching Fire

    I read the hunger games catching fire
    In the book president snow isn’t happy with katniss for bringing out the nightlock (poisoned berry’s) in the first games. Rebellion has started in the the quarter quell it has been written that a previous male and female tribute from each district have to be reaped again and put back in the arena. At ceasers interviews Petta announces that they are married and Katniss is pregnant

    All the tributes will do anything to stop the games .Petta and Katiss make ally’s with Finnick,Johanna,Volts,Nuts
    Johanna attacks Katniss and cuts out her tracker . Katniss blows up the arena.
    When she wakes up she’s on a hover craft with haymitch pluter and finick they tell her the plan was to get katniss out of their and most the tributes were in onit.she was going to be the Mockenjay for the rebellion.
    Petta and Johanna are captured by the capitol
    When they get home gale tells katniss there is no district 12



    This book is about Lester Donovan in the navy. His friends get captured by the Taliban. But he does not give up.

  21. Section 20 is a alright book it is a boy named Alex who lives in East Berlin. The cold war is happening and he and his family are not to leave. But the longer he stays the more danger he is in.

    The stasi have been watching him. Alex is told that further education will be blocked to him. His summer job is mysteriously cancelled, and friends begin avoiding him. His parents start to realise that leaving the East may be the only way left for them to do but getting across the Wall is nearly impossible And even if Alex and his family make it to the other side, will they be able to escape the reach of the Stasi?

    One wrong move will make him and his family lives totally change?

  22. The Boy in the striped pyjamas
    John Boyce
    This book is about a German boy (Bruno) who’s father is a Nazi and they have moved house so his father can work in the Concentration camp. Bruno thinks the concentration camp is a farm because there’s lots of people in it. Bruno goes down to the fence of the camp with food for a boy called Shmuel everyday. The boys are now best friends. Bruno goes under the fence and into the camp to look for Shmuel’s uncle.

    Fighting Phantoms
    M. Zachary Sherman
    Fighting Phantoms is about a man (Lieutenant Verner Donovan) who get shoot down with his friend Blam. Blam can’t move so Donovan went to the pickup without him

  24. hello my name is lewis craghill and i read the book diary of a (wimpy kid THE THIRD WHEEL)
    the book is a briliant and its one of the shortest in the series its mainly about how his life started off in a bath like place and he loved it so he practice this in the bath and his uncle gary put all his money into buying fake boston t shirts that say botson

  25. Rhys Brown
    Time Riders: Alex Scarrow

    I just finished reading Time Riders, it’s a great book some parts would get boring for me but I think you will like it. The main characters are Liam O’Connor, Maddy Carter & Sal Vikram. Each were to die but a time traveller came telling them all that is about to happen to them. Liam was to die in sea in 1912, Maddy was to die on a plane in 2001 and Sal was to die in a fire in 2026.I’ve really enjoyed this book and I would recommend this book to whoever reads this.

  26. Rhys,

    I loved the first two Time Riders books. They are very well written and are an excellent example of teenage sci-fi. The stories travel through space and time and allow the reader to become lost in a fantasy world full of mystery and adventure. I found these books very exciting and am glad you enjoyed the first book.

    A wee question for you Rhys, Alex Scarrow uses the very clever device of including real life events in this sci-fi story. The events happened in 1912 and 2001. What were they?

    Miss McGough 🙂

  27. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

    The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a book written by John Boyne, there is also a film out about it. This book is incredibly touching and very emotional. When Bruno and his family move from Berlin to Out-With Bruno found it really hard at first to settle down but after a few weeks he had to get used to it, one of the only reasons Bruno started to enjoy staying at Out-With was because one day he went on an adventure and came across this weird fence where a little boy was sitting over at the other side, his name was Shmuel. Shmuel and Bruno became very good friends but something tragic happens at the end, you will defintly have to read this book to find out what happens.

    Fighting Phantoms by M. Zachary Sherman

    Fighting Phantoms is about a man (Lieutenant Verner Donovan) who get shoot down with his friend Blam. Blam can’t move so Donovan went to the pickup without him but it is a harder task than it seemed.

  29. Section 20 is an ok book it is about a boy named Alex who lives in East Berlin. The cold war is happening and he and his family are trapped in Eat Berlin and the longer he stays the more danger he is in.

    The Stasi have been watching him. Alex is told that further education will be blocked for him. His summer job is mysteriously cancelled, and friends begin avoiding him.

    His parents start to realise that leaving the East may be the only way left for them to do but getting across the Wall is nearly impossible And even if Alex and his family make it to the other side, will they be able to escape the reach of the Stasi?

    One wrong move will change his family’s life forever.

  30. FOUND by Margaret Peterson Haddix

    Found is the story of a man who is missing but doesn’t know it. His adopted kids Jonah and Chip race to reveal the secrets masking their true identities. The answer lies thirteen years back with an FBI cover up when an unchartered plane touched down without any pilot on board, its only passengers are thirty six babies.

  31. Time Riders

    Time Riders is a book written by Alex Scarrow
    Just seconds before their death a man appeared saying take my hand. His name was foster .He saved Liam from drowning on the titanic, Maddy for been killed by terrorist in 911 attacks but it doesn’t say what happened to sal.
    Karl and his soldiers go back in time to Nazi Germany and stop Hitler from invading Poland and that made them win the war. This makes a massive time shift and Liam sal and maddy have to go and find out how to put it back to normal
    Liam goes back in time but the others don’t know where he goes back in time with a robot named bob who helps him through a load of challenges.
    Liam and bob miss all the time windows and that makes them stuck in the past until they manage to contact maddy and foster to tell them what year and were abouts the only bad thing here is that foster has no fuel because in their world Germany rules the world
    Liam leaves them a message and hopes that they will find it in time
    The gang manage to but bob doesn’t make the end foster tells maddy that time traveling makes ur body weak and ages you but not to tell Liam that because its Liam who has to go back in time if something goes wrong
    In the end foster says good bye and leaves

    I enjoyed this book but it was really confusing when they kept switching between what maddy n that were doing then suddenly they switched back to Karl and his army

  32. Invisible fiends is a book about a little boy called Kyle that only has a mum , the story’s based on one Christmas day when he is with his mum and gran . Mum has to go out late that night to take gran back to the home and Kyles left in the house himself and it doesn’t help much the facts there’s “new neighbours “ next door he hears noises and gets scared and a man enters his house and hurts him and he gets dragged out the door . When the “new neighbour” comes and helps him and they run away to the church where a serious of weird things happened . A fake donkey blew up then he was some where far away in a house with a man and could see sprits then he woke up and it turned out that was a dream , together Kyle and the girl run away from this creepy man but the weird thing is . Only Kyle and the girl can see him , is this a dream , a figure of his imagination , is the girl even real ? . It ends up his last battle with Mr mumbles is on the roof and Kyle pushes him off but is that the end of Mr mumbles , he may be gone for know but sooner or later something is going to trigger him back and he will make Kyles life hell . He will come back and this time he will win but for know lets just be safe in the house that he’s in and forget about it but Kyle needs to keep it on his mind he will be back and he will be worse the next time , just be aware
    Author , Barry Hutchison
    I recommend this book if you like kind of scarier ones
    This isn’t really that scary is more of a horror/ thrill
    i think more people should read the seris

  33. The book I have been reading is called ‘I was Jane Austen’s best friend’ by Cora Harrison. It is about a girl called Jenny Copper who goes to live with the Austen’s because she and her cousin Jane both became very ill at their boring school. Jenny knows nothing of the world of beautiful dresses, dances, secrets, gossip and romance. Jenny falls in love with a young, handsome, gentleman who is Captain of his own ship. Jenny meet Captain Williams at midnight out on the streets as she made her way to the post office to post her letter to Mrs Austen. The Austen family were all invited to a ball where Jenny met Captain Williams once again and they danced the night together.

    My favourite character was Jane because she was very kind and helpful to everyone. The main character was Miss Jenny Copper who was also very kind and loving. My favourite chapter in the book was when they went to the ball and danced and joked around with each other. I would recommend this book to a friend because it was girly and funny, it was amazing.

    By Rachel Taylor 2C1

  34. Agent 21

    Agent 21 by Chris Ryan is about a guy called Zak Darke who becomes agent 21. This means he will have to go on missions for the shadowy government agency. But now training is over there is no-one he can trust. Zak and his friend Raf dive down to the bottom of the ocean to find a boat that sunk years ago. While they are down in the ocean Raf gets bitten by an eel and Zak has to think fast. Raf is unconscious so Zak grabs him and starts swimming towards their boat. They are miles under water. Will they make it?

    I really enjoyed this book because it was verry exiting. A part of the book i really liked was when they were exploring the boat at they got chassed by the eel. I liked this because it was exiting to see if they would get away but Raf ended up getting bitten. it felt like i was in the book.

  35. The book I have been reading is called “dreams” by “Daniela Sacerdoti”

    First the dreams. Then the hunt .now fight for survival. Seventeen-year-old Sarah midnight never lived a normal life. To the outside world she is just a normal typical teen, but on the inside Sarah holds an unimaginable secret. Her parents are demon hunters, part of a web of secret families who have sworn to protect the world. when they are mysteriously killed, Sarah’s world is shattered but she knows she must now take up the fight.

    Unprepared for the task ahead, she finds herself thrust into a world of incredible danger, full of things she never even new existed. Including her enigmatic long-lost cousin who, out of the blue, turns up on her doorstep just when needs him most. He claims to be there to help and protect her, but how will she know who to trust in this perilous new life? And can she stay alive long enough to complete her parents guest when they have left her do defenceless?
    Sarah has to learn fast __ the demons are all around her and death waits for no one …
    So I think this book is really good I would definitely recommend it

    By Claire Forrest 2S1

  36. More Bloody Horowitz
    Anthony Horowitz
    I would like to start with I LOVED this book it is has 13 stories in it. My top 3 books in it has to be: your life 2. Are you sitting comfortably 1. The X train. The reason I like the x train so much is because it is about the Johnsons who have not been to New York. I bet they wish they didn’t go. Tell me what your top 3 is.

  37. Battle Fleet
    Paul Dowswell

    Battle Fleet by Paul Dowswell is about Napoleon invadingEngland. The main character Sam knows he must do something. Sailing on the HMS Victory, Nelsons warship, Sam finds himself at the heart of one of the most epic battles in history: Trafalgar
    I really enjoyed this book because it is full of epic ship battles and it is exciting to see what ship will win the war. My favourite part of the book is when Sam sees Napoleon coming to invade England and he gets the whole ship ready to go to battle.

  38. Hi my name is Claire Forrest and I am going to tell you about a book I have been reading called Aurora.
    This book is very interesting and there are other ones related to this book and they are called Exodus
    and Zenith and I will be reading them shortly.

    Now I will tell you about Aurora.

    This book is about this place in the high mountains and much of earth is under water. At the top of the world, {lily the main character} lily’s people have made a new life –but she feels trapped. Far away beneath a soaring sky-city that towers above the ocean, the war fox has been planning for finally begins. The world must be made whole again – but can lily find fox and fix the broken past? Or will his war keep them apart? Find out your -self and read

    By ClaireForrest

  39. Hi my name is Stephen and I have been reading gangsta granny. Gangsta granny is a book about the little boy thinks his gran is boring but his gran has a secret. His granny tells his grandson that she steels from jewellery shops. After the stories he gets told he and his gran is planning to steel the crown jewels but his gran has been took to hospital.

    His gran gets told some bad news and is told that she has cancer. His gran does not tell the boy. They still go with the plan and go up to the crown jewels then when they are up the queen walks in and catches them but lets them go and after the gran passes away.

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