Wider Achievements

We offer a broad general education in line with Curriculum for Excellence and this extends from nursery through to Primary 7. Many extra curricular activities are offered throughout the year and these have included football, handball, netball, badminton, school choir, music tuition, keep fit, life saving workshops, textile crafts, gardening, book clubs and dance. These activities have been offered to different stages from Primary 1 to Primary 7.  Brass instrument tuition is offered to children from Primary 6 upwards and a number of children take part in North Lanarkshire’s Preparatory School Band. Trips related to particular topics are also arranged and we offer all Primary 6 and Primary 7 pupils the opportunity of an outdoor residential trip.


Eastfield Primary School and Nursery Class are committed to building strong partnerships with parents/carers, learning partners and stakeholders.  Communication with parents and carers includes website news and text messaging alerts,  newsletters, information letters, curricular open afternoons/ evenings and informal workshop events. These curricular open afternoons/ evenings and informal workshop events provide parents/carers with an insight into the life and ethos of our school and nursery.  These events also provide parents/ carers with the opportunity to explore and experience the curriculum offered. Parents and carers are also invited, whenever practical, to view performances by our pupils. We are delighted to have an active parent council and we welcome and encourage parental/ carer interest and involvement in the life of our nursery and school.

We hope that our school and nursery will play a large part in the life of the community and that members of the community will contribute to the life of the school. Visits from the police, fire and rescue services, dental services and school nurse are planned throughout the year and each play their part in developing the well being of our children. We have close links with a wide variety of faith communities within our area. We look beyond our local area and participate in fundraising for local, national and international causes.

In our nursery we have a small kitchen for snacks and toilets for children complete the space indoors and we have an outdoor space for play. Whilst the nursery is self contained there are planned times when the nursery children have access to areas within school.  The nursery work in close partnership with our infant primary classes throughout the year as part of the early years school transition calendar.

We have strong links with our associated secondary school and primary schools. We take part in many events and transition projects with Greenfaulds High School and we work closely with staff on discussing children’s progress to ensure a smooth transition from primary to secondary school for our pupils.