Microsoft Teams and Glow

  • Your child will have been given a glow log in and password by their class teacher.
  • Gaining access to Microsoft Teams on which your child’s work is hosted can be done in multiple ways. We recommend, based on prior experience of reliability, that you download the free Microsoft Teams App. This App can be accessed on PC, Mac, iOS and Android.
  • Once you have downloaded the App you sign in using your child’s Glow log in (ensuring that it ends in and password. It will look something like this:
  • You should only be able to view the team of the class that your child is in and the wider school team. Once you are in Teams it does not tend to log you out so if you have multiple children accessing it they will need to log out and log in as themselves. You will find this also when accessing teams or Glow in a browser.
  • Once you are in the specific team of your child you will have some options. The posts section is largely a chat space where the teacher or students can make posts. Files is for file upload and is likely where your teacher will store the documents you need to access.

As part of your Glow user experience you have free and unlimited access to the Microsoft Office suite of applications for PC and Mac. To access this go to:, sign in (you won’t need the part here as Glow knows you’re trying to access Glow). Open OneDrive, which is your child’s free online storage space that is unique to them, files from here can be easily linked and uploaded to your Microsoft Teams space if needed. Click the ‘waffle’ in the top left corner, click ‘Office 365‘ and then in the right hand side of the page ‘Install Office‘.

To get these applications for Android or iOS, download the app from the relevant App Store and use the same log in details as for Microsoft Teams above.