You should all be in study mode as the prelim is just after the holidays.
You can use this 2016 N5 Prelim Revision powerpoint to take notes and help you out.
Use BBC Bitesize to study this list of areas and topics.
Computational Constructs
- expressions to assign values to variables
- use of selection constructs including simple and complex conditional statements and logical operators
- iteration and repetition using fixed and conditional loops
- pre-defined functions (with parameters)
Data Types and Structures
- String, character
- Boolean variables
- 1-D arrays
Testing and documenting solutions
- normal, extreme and exceptional test data
- syntax, execution and logic errors
- readability of code
- internal commentary
- meaningful identifiers
- indentation
Algorithm specification
- input validation
Low-level operations and computer architecture
- Translation of high-level program code to binary (machine code):
- interpreters and compilers
- Use of binary to represent and store:
- integers
Design Notations
- pseudocode to exemplify programming constructs
- other contemporary design notations
User Interface
- User requirements
- visual layout
- navigation
- selection
- consistency
- interactivity
- readability
Structures and links (web-based)
- website, page, URL
- hyperlinks (internal, external), relative and absolute addressing
- navigation
- web browsers and search engines
- good design to aid navigation, usability and accessibility
Security Risks
- keylogging
Legal Implications
- Basic descriptions and implications of:
- Computer Misuse Act