Computational Constructs

  • Expressions to assign values to variables
  • Expressions to return values using arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /, ^, mod)
  • Execution of lines of code in sequence demonstrating input – process- output
  • Expressions to concatenate strings and arrays using the & operator
  • Use of selection constructs including simple and complex conditional statements and logical operators.
  • Iteration and repetition using fixed and conditional loops Pre-defined functions (with parameters)

All code examples are given in Visual basic. You can find more about this topic in chapter 2 of “How to Pass NATIONAL 5 Computing Science”

Expressions to assign values to variables

The end result of an expression represents a value, which is typically of a familiar data type such as Boolean, String, or a numeric type.

Name="Bob the Builder"

Expressions to return values using arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /, ^, mod)

The end result of an expression represents a value, which is typically of a familiar data type such as Boolean, String, or a numeric type.

remainder=11 mod 2


Execution of lines of code in sequence demonstrating input – process- output

Procedural languages follow a predetermined sequence. The program below shows Input, Process and output

name=inputbox("What is your name") 'input
upperName=upper(name) 'process
msgbox("your name in capitals is " & upperName) 'output

 Expressions to concatenate strings and arrays using the & operator

Concatenation is the joining together of two or more strings. Array’s can also be concatenated into strings.

fullName=firstName & lastName

Use of selection constructs including simple and complex conditional statements and logical operators.

conditional statements use comparators (Comparison Operators) like >,<,=,<>

Logical operators are used make the comparison more complex AND, OR, NOT

If score>=1000 then msgbox("well done")
if time>12 and hungry=true then msgbox("Lunchtime")

Iteration and repetition using fixed and conditional loops

The terms iteration and repetition are essentially the same thing in programming. They describe the repeated execution of a block of statements. A repetition or iteration structure is a loop statement. It repeats a block of statements once, multiple times or not at all. It all depends on the loop condition and when this condition is tested.

For Counter= 1 to 5 ' fixed loop


Do 'conditional loop
   quit=msgbox("Do you want to quit?",vbYesNo)
loop until quit=vbYes

Pre-defined functions (with parameters)

A pre-defined function is a function that is built into the programming language. Examples include Sin, Cos & Tan


Exemplification of functions



Repeat 6 Times
Move (n)
Rotate (60)
End Repeat


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