Spreadsheet Starter Question 1

  1. Name two things that a spreadsheet could be used for?                                    (2)
  2. Spreadsheets are like grids made up of what two things?                                  (1)
  3. What mathematical symbol is used to divide in a spreadsheet?                           (1)
  4. What term is used to identify a cell’s position on a spreadsheet?                          (1)
  5. Name three types of data that can be entered into a spreadsheet         (3)


  • Banks can use spreadsheets to work out how much customers have in their accounts.
  • Shops can use spreadsheets to calculate bills for customers (e.g.  newspaper bills)
  • Families can use spreadsheets to help them with their monthly budget – how much they spend /save each month.
  • Business people can use them spreadsheets to predict what might happen to their profits if they increase wages or make some workers redundant etc.
2) Rows and columns.
3) / (slash)
4)Cell Reference
5) Value, formula and text.

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