Angles – what do we know already?

We have heard the word angle within the word triangle.  We know that tri means three, so a triangle must have three angles.  We looked at triangles and we saw that they each have three straight sides and three corners.

Some P5s remembered that a right angle is when two perpendicular lines meet.  We used that knowledge to work out that an angle must be the distance between two lines.

We are now off to look for examples of angles in the class.  Check back later to see how we get on.

Our 2015 resolutions

Today we discussed some new year resolutions.

Kali – I would like to stop fighting with my sister . I would like to bake more .

Abbi – I would like to stop fighting with my big sister. I want to do more maths.

Lorna – I would like to learn netball in PE. I would like to learn trumpet.

Keavie-I would like to learn my front walk over with no hands. I would like to learn more ball skills.

Max- I wold like to learn if a boeing 747 can take off with one engine.i wold like to stop playing Justin Bieber games on the internet.

Jake – I would like to stop day dreaming.  I want to learn German.

Carmen -I would like to do my times tables faster.  I would like to help my mum tidy up.

Pop up cards – mouth folds

Today we learned how to do mouth folds.

Some people found it hard.  They found it hard to do the creased when you had to pop it in to fold it.  I found it easy and was able to help other people to do it.

To make a mouth fold we had to use a ruler to measure one line going up and down then two lines going diagonally to make a triangle.  After we did the mouth fold we drew a picture inside to make a cool card.

by Abbi

Pop up cards – Box folds

Today in class we were learning about pop up cards. We were learning how to make a box fold. We made some Christmas cards for some people in our family we cut out some pictures from the catalogues.

The equipment we used were:2 slips of paper,glue,catalogue pictures and scissors.

This is our first time ever making pop up cards. We all think we done really well we are looking faword to giving the cards out to the people we made them for.

Aimee-I think it was easy making the cards but making the box was difficult because we had to  make it pop out.

Carmen: I found it hard because it was  hard to make the boxes pop up but i found it easy to make the first part of it.

The next time we make pop up cards we hop to make the moth folds we will tell you about moth folds the next time we blog.

By Aimee and Carmen!!!!

Pop Up Cards

Today we are starting our new topic about pop up cards.  Some of us already know some things about making pop up cards.

Here are some of the things we know:

Max: When you open a page something pops up.

Hannah: You can sometimes fold a piece of paper into zig zags to make it pop up.

Lewis – You can make a pop up card by getting two long thin strips of paper and folding them left and right.  When you glue them together you can make them pop up.

Lorna – To make something pop out from a card you can make a paper spring.

We will show you some pictures of our pop up cards as we make them.

Parallel lines

Today P5 have been learning about parallel lines.

Here is what we know.

Lyall – parallel lines are at least 2 lines that will never meet.

Kara – A shape needs to have at least 4 straight lines before it can have a pair of parallel lines.

Cole – A rectangle has 2 pairs of parallel lines.

Hannah – a triangle has no parallel lines, neither does a circle.

Fraser – A square has 2 pairs of parallel lines.

Holly – a regular hexagon has 3 pairs of parallel lines.


Today P4 have been learning about quadrilaterals.
here is what we know
Jordan – It has to have 4 sides. They do not need to be equal lengths.
Lewis – If a shape has more or less than 4 sides it is not a quadrilateral.
Jake – Today we made posters on Pic Collage about what quadrilaterals are.
Kali – We used pin boards and elastic bands to make shapes with 4 sides.
Here are some names for some special quarilaterals:

We are looking forward to learning more tomorrow.

Fiction and Non Fiction

We have been learning about fiction and non fiction.fist we sorted the books into differenrt piles. One group were discussing about a book it was sherlock homes.  Some of the group said it was made up and some said it was real then we realised it was fiction because it didnt have a glossary or a index and also the pictures were drawings instead of photos.  After that we done a presentation about the differences between fiction and non fiction.

written by Keavie

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