Handy links for home

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Week 1 weekly activity: Individual – Make  a feelings board, have emoji’s, drawings or words as your title then using pictures, objects, write down smells or places fill in what you like and dislike. With an adult – Ask an adult or sibling to make one too, do you have any similarities, differences ? Discuss why and how these things, people, places make you feel.

Week 2 weekly activity: Individual – a bit lost for adventure being in the house? Then lets use our imagination to get out and explore the world however near or far you wish.

Right now we are hearing about lots of different countries on the news, choose one or you can choose your own favourite place in Scotland, imagine you are there. What photos might you take? Draw what would be in the photos and write a caption to explain what you would be doing here.

Draw yourself or a family member and what they would be wearing, is it hot or cold in your chosen location?
Make up a menu for a three course meal, use your imagination, google or own memory if it’s somewhere you have visited before.
Enjoy and have fun!
 I would love to see where you go, give it a go and share it with us!
Easter Holiday activity: I hope you are all looking forward to a nice Easter break and time to relax and have fun with your families. Here are some fun Easter themed activities for you to try. Enjoy your holiday and stay safe!

*Design a device that will protect a hard-boiled egg when it is dropped from a height.

*Art Hub Easter surprise: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=art+hub+for+kids+easter+egg&docid=608041861182065340&mid=D618C95239FE316A9079D618C95239FE316A9079&view=detail&FORM=VIRE&adlt=strict

* Write your own Easter poem.

Week 3 weekly activity: Say something kind! Be positive. Smile.

How can we build our own self-esteem ? How can we help others to feel better about themselves ?
Draw your own kindness poster, make it creative and colourful. Use the titles: ‘Five ways I can help myself’ and ‘Five ways I can help others’. You can write the answers, you can draw them or even get creative and make them with materials from around the house.
Send me them in if you wish, I would love to see them. I will complete mine and send it in by the end of the week.
Try your best but also make sure not to push yourself to the point of worry or upset. Stay active and get some fresh air and enjoy the sunshine.
Week 4 weekly activity: How wonderful is Scotland: 
Choose a hill, mountain or building then virtually climb it. Use your Imagination!
What would it be like to be there, what sights would you see ? How would you feel when you got to the top ? March around your garden, climb up your steps or count them on your walk!
Eg. The Wallace Monument (246 steps)
Forth Rail Bridge (680 steps)
Have fun on your adventure, stay active and enjoy it, you will feel super positive once you have reached your target! Let me know where you chose, how it felt when you reached it and even send me a photo of your cheery red face by the end of it 🙂
week 5 weekly activity: Friday 8th 2020 is a holiday  in honour of V.E Day. Your family learning challenge this week is to choose any one(s) of these activities on the links below you would most like to do.
Remember to send me any pictures or post them on our twitter page. Have fun with it and continue to stay safe and take care. Hollie 🙂

week 6 weekly activity: 

5-4-3-2-1 mindfulness task. Take time to be mindful of your surroundings and thankful for what we have. Write down
5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste.
Take note of what surrounds you and think about how they make you feel.
Keep yourself busy with school work, read a book, exercise in the garden or get creative, drink plenty of water, get outside in the garden or open your windows for some fresh air.
Stay active and take time away from electronics, follow these steps to get you feeling positive and optimistic!.
Week 7 weekly activity: Keeping a brief diary
Towards the end of your week, write briefly about or draw a picture of :
  • One or two fun events that happened during your week that you really enjoyed.
  • One challenging or difficult event that happened during your week that you found hard to deal with.
  • how you tried to cope with the challenging or difficult event.
  • What you felt, what were your body clues, about these challenges or events.

These fun or difficult events don’t have to be something really great or disappointing. For example, a positive event  might be something such as you enjoyed a nice walk with your family; shared a nice meal; watched a good DVD.

Alternatively, a challenging situation might be that you weren’t able to answer a question on your on-line learning or as if you weren’t able to keep your plans and go outside because of the weather.  Either way try and think about your feelings and body clues when you faced these events or challenges.


Week 8: What does my world look like?: Do you have any worries, ideas or hopes for the coming school year ?

Write down five things you can think of (a single word, a sentence, a feeling, a question) for both headings: 1. What my school looked like last year  2. What I think my school will look like this year

The last few months have had big changes across all of our lives, some negative and some positive. It is completely normal to have worries and concerns but also hopes and ideas of your own ? Let me know your thoughts and views on what you remember most about YOUR school and what changes you think may be in place when you return in August ?

Share your answers with me via Teams or E-mail and we can discuss if you wish.

Week 9:  Here is your task for this week: Good for the soul

Throughout the week I would like you to try and do these five things throughout your day,
1.Breathe slowly
2.Speak with a smile
3.Listen to mid-frequency music (Disney soundtracks are great!)
4.Do your learning in an environment that feels safe and peaceful
5.Spend time with no electronics around people you like/love.

Let me know how you get on, did you take time to breathe ? Where di you choose to do your learning? Was there a song you loved ? Did you relax in the garden or go a walk with your family or caregiver ?


Week 10: Let’s get Fruity

Make your own healthy fruit salad or fruit kebab:

  • P1 – P3: count how many of each fruit you have used in your salad or kebab. Write down the number or display it in a tally chart.
  • P4 – P7: Find 3 benefits about each fruit you have used and write them down.

Then enjoy eating your delicious creation!


Parentzone Scotland

Parentzone Scotland is a unique website which provides education information  for parents and carers in Scotland. Discover what your child is learning and how you can help. Information on numeracy, literacy and health and well-being and science.

If you would like further information then visit the Parentzone Scotland website: education.gov.scot/parentzone

Mindfulness activities

Please find below some mindfulness activities that you can do at home.

Mindfulness activities


Art for Kids Hub

If you want to work on your artistic skill set, try some of these detailed drawings.



Below is a mindfulness breathing exercise for children, you can do at home:



Have a look at our school website!


Carol Vorderman maths school is usually available for a cost, under the current situation she has made it FREE! Have a look and see if their are any activities you enjoy:





For great ideas on books you and your child might enjoy, visit: scottishbooktrust.com/book-lists.