Parent Council

Parent Council

St. Mary’s Primary School has an active Parent Council that provides strong support towards the work and life of the school.

Our current Chairperson is Lisa Bilsland, and she can be contacted through the school office. Any parent or carer of a child at the school can volunteer to be a member of the Parent Council, and new members are always welcomed!

The Head Teacher is the professional adviser to the Parent Council and has a right to attend and speak at the Parent Council or Parent Forum meetings.

Our Parent Council has their own Facebook page and this can be found at:

The Scottish Parliament has passed a law called the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 to encourage and support more parents to become involved in their children’s education.

The main aims of the Act are to:
• Help parents become more involved with their child’s education and learning.
• Welcome parents as active participants in the life of the school.
• Provide easier ways for parents to express their views and wishes.

To help achieve these aims, all parents will automatically be members of the Parent Forum at their child’s school and will be entitled to have a say in selecting the Parent Council (representative body) to work on behalf of all parents at the school.

The objectives of the Parent Council are:
• To work in partnership with staff to create a welcoming environment which is inclusive for all parents.
• To promote partnership between the school, its pupils and all its parents.
• To develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of the pupils.
• To identify and represent the views of parents on the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of pupils.
• To be involved in the recruitment process for appointing the Head Teacher and Depute Head Teacher of the school.

For more information on the Parental Involvement Act or to find out about parents as partners in their children’s learning please contact the school or North Ayrshire Council Education & Youth Employment or visit the Parentzone website (

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