
November 2020

For spelling we have been looking at tricky words and playing games like sparkle and code cracker to help us remember them. A special mention to Faye who has been amazing at sparkle, has never been defeated and is spelling words orally that are super tricky! WELL DONE FAYE!

We also had our next writing baseline and wrote all about “The Magical World.” Some of us wrote more than one page of work and used different openers and connectives to make our writing more appealing to a reader.

Mrs Rowan helped some of us learn new ways to think of our writing and what we can add to make our sentences more interesting, learning about size, colour and number sentences. This has made our writing so much easier and allows us to put our thoughts onto paper with more detail.

October 2020

We have been working super hard with our, writing, spelling and reading since we have came back and have been able to show off our ever improving skills with some groups due to move up to the next level for reading!

Our writing over the past few weeks has focussed on planning a long story with a beginning, middle and an end which is separated by clear paragraphs. We all wrote a magical imaginative story based on the magical world of Harry Potter! Beginning in our jotters we separated each section and focussed on setting, characters and story development and we all did a fantastic job. After our planning and rough draft was finished, we transferred this onto paper and designed a front cover based on the most important parts of our story.

Term 1

We have been doing spelling, handwriting and phonics in class all terms. We have also completed running records for our reading and are doing well with our reading bands. We have lots of writing practice on Wednesdays, looking at capital letters, full stops and how to plan a piece of writing.

Our writing baselines went very well as we all wrote about our favourite day of the year and some of us managed to do so well that we got in the star writers wall! We have also wrote a Halloween story, a magical story and a story about an attic!


We continue our quest to become expressive and confident readers using a variety of strategies to help us continuously improve. These include making predictions, summarising our stories, being expressive, using effective questioning as well as using our phonics knowledge to sound out tricky words. We are all working really hard and love hearing and encouraging each other to read in our reading corner.


To help us improve our writing skills and confidence in our own abilities we have been looking at and focussing on different areas of VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation). We have been using our Viking topic to give us ideas about what to write about and so far have written fantastically descriptive paragraphs about dragons! We have been learning all about the use of adjectives to make our writing become easy to visualise when you read it. Some of us have made beautiful and friendly dragons and some of us have written about vicious and scary dragons. Once we have finished we assess our own work by looking at the different areas of VCOP which allows us to easily see what we could work on next time to make our writing even better.

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