Home Learning 27th May

Good morning Primary 2, we hope you have had a lovely long weekend and you are ready to work hard and do your best.

P2 Week-Beginning-May 27


Write a letter to your future self

How to Make a Time Capsule

All About Me

Our main Numeracy focus for this week is to complete the new Diagnostic Test, Good luck! There will be a coins reward when it is finished.

We will have our Teams chat on Wednesday at 11.30, hope you can join us.

A Quick Reminder About How You Might Do Your Reading At Home

Choose one or two BugClub books for the week.

You could start off by using the Title and Front Cover to predict what you think the story will be about, give reasons for your answers. Look carefully for clues.

Try reading the book without the Read to Me button and remember to use your Reading Strategies book mark to help you work out unknown words before listening if you are stuck. I have added a copy of the strategies to the Reading Activity Grid page for those I didn’t see.

You should read the book more than once during the week, this will help improve your fluency and expression. As you go along please answer the Bugs. To do this look back at the text and find the answer, don’t just make a guess! You are trying to get as many green bugs as you can. Mrs Rowan and I will be able to monitor how you are getting on. If you don’t answer the bugs your book will not be completed on our records.

You will find a list of lots of different reading activities on the Reading Activity Grid page. Choose one or two if you are still looking for extra work.

Rather than reading lots of Bug Club books everyday it might be a good idea to choose some books from the BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS page.

Checkout the music page on our blog to get new lessons from Mrs McDougall

Go to the French page on our blog to get login details for Linguascope and practise more French or Spanish.