Tag Archives: Writing competition

BBC Young Writers’ Competition

The BBC Young Writers Competition is now open to writers between the ages of 14-18 years.

Write and format your short story as per the following instructions:

  • One entry per writer
  • Written in English (with a Gaelic/Welsh version)
  • A maximum of 1,000 words
  • Original fiction on any topic
  • Typed on a computer
  • Any font, 12pt, black
  • Double spaced
  • No page numbers
  • Include a front page which details the Title of Story and the Word Count
  • Do not include your name anywhere on the story
  • Save the story as an Adobe PDF, with the Title of Story in the file name
  • Complete the Entry Form online including uploading your short story document.

Entries close at 9am (GMT), Monday 20th March 2023. 

Find out more at the BBC website.

Writing Competition

The Scottish Book Trust competition to write a comic, play, story, poem, a spoken word piece, or make a video, in the Scots language is now open.

Entries should be minimum 50 words – maximum 2,500 words.
Or 10 minutes of video/audio

Open to all 11-18 year olds

Closing date – 21 June 2023

First prize: £100 book token and option to be at The Scots Language Awards to receive an award at a ceremony
Second prize: £50 book token
Highly commended entries: £25 book token

More info at SBT website and also some inspiration and tips from the judging panel.